Allure: The Man God's Love Wanted

Chapter 114 She Gone Long Ago【03】

Chapter 114 She Gone Long Ago【03】

Tonight she is so gentle that his heart trembles and loves her.

Looking straight at her with sparkling eyes: "This is the best birthday present I've ever received."

When Lu Xiya heard this, her face was completely red again.

"Xiaoya." He hugged her into his arms: "I really don't want to let you go like this."

"Don't be like this, everyone is waiting for us." She murmured in his arms.

She thought she would regret it, but unexpectedly she didn't, instead she had a little bit of sweetness.

It turned out that it was not as difficult as imagined to match his skin.

Surprised to accept his request.

She thought that maybe unconsciously, she no longer rejected him as much as she did at first.

Perhaps unconsciously, she began to accept his love and wanted to return his love.

Along the way, so go with the flow.

★★Ye Xiwei's original "Youth Dancing: A Bad Girl Who Loves You"★★.
In the garden of the villa, under the night sky, streamers are overflowing, with fragrant clothes and shadows on the temples.

Nie Hong and He Shufen had already arrived. Seeing them going downstairs, they immediately stepped forward to congratulate them.

"Hey, third child, congratulations on being one year older again." Nie Hong smiled happily, put his arms around his cousin and patted him on the shoulder.

This second brother loves and hurts him.

Nie Jiajun resisted the urge to twitch the corners of his mouth, hugged him back politely, and asked, "Are you still here, brother and sister-in-law?"

"Brother and sister-in-law are not coming." Nie Hong replied, "But they prepared a gift for you and asked me to bring it over."

"Why don't they come?" Lucia was stunned.

He Shufen was not very happy: "Xiaoxin is sick."

"Sick?" Nie Jiajun and Lu Xiya were surprised: "Why are you sick?"

"I don't know, my brother said that he vomited suddenly and might have eaten something wrong, but don't worry, the family doctor has been called to see her."

Nie Jiajun nodded understandingly: "Sister-in-law is not feeling well and should rest at home more. I'll go and see her tomorrow."

"I'll go too." Lu Xiya and Lan Xin, the steel-like sisters, were naturally very nervous.

"Okay, I'll be there at noon tomorrow."

"I want to see her too." He Shufen looked at Nie Hong.

Nie Hong said, "Well, I'll pick you up tomorrow."

While they were chatting here, the guests over there had already arrived in sevens and eights.

Hong Gu walked into the hall, saw them hurried forward, and urged: "Young master, everyone is waiting for you in the garden, you go over quickly."

Shou Xingzai, the protagonist of the dance party, has not appeared for a long time, and the congratulators are all looking for his people.

A birthday party in the upper class is undoubtedly a drama for getting close.

The third young master of the Nie family, a mysterious and unpredictable character, has won the attention and love of the elders, so everyone naturally likes him.

Giving famous watches and antiques are all pediatrics. Giving cars, buildings, and shares is the kingly way.

Just the generous gifts from the elders of the Nie family already left Lu Xiya stunned and out of breath.

Nie Xichen made the most generous and considerate offer, a white Lamborghini Phantom with a price of over ten million.

Grandpa Nie Zhenlong gave away Nie's shares, and his parents and aunts all gave away buildings, cars, and garages.

Other guests were either checks or gold and silverware, and some relatives gave sports cars.

But compared to the white Lamborghini, it pales a lot.

Nie Jiajun accepted them one by one, thanked them one by one, and gave a delicate little gift in return.

Every birthday, I receive a lot of expensive gifts, and these gifts have been managed by my parents.

He seldom cares about it. He is 20 years old this year and he has his own ideas.

(End of this chapter)

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