Allure: The Man God's Love Wanted

Chapter 119 Shameless guy [01]

Chapter 119 Shameless guy [01]

"Didn't your mother's relatives tell you?" He couldn't help frowning.

After dating her for so long, he felt for the first time that she cared so much about her biological mother.

But he had never heard her mention it in the past, and he even thought she didn't care.

It turned out that she didn't talk or ask, but it didn't mean she didn't care or let go of this feeling.

Instead, she buried it so deep that everyone thought she didn't need it.

He patted her shoulder lightly until her sobs subsided, and then said: "Why don't I find someone to investigate."

"How to check?" She raised her face to look at him, her tear-filled eyes were clearly filled with anticipation: "But, but I don't even know her name."

This time, Nie Jiajun was completely shocked.

"You don't know your biological mother's name?" This, this is the most basic thing.

When Lu Xiya was asked this question, his eyes suddenly turned red again: "I didn't dare to ask, and I haven't asked since then."

Vaguely, Nie Jiajun felt strange: "Why don't you dare to ask?"

"When I was young, whenever I asked about my mother, my father would sigh, and then pour himself with alcohol, getting drunk... We didn't live here before, we moved to many places, at the beginning That place, that home, once a neighbor told me that my mother... my mother ran away with another man."

"Run away? Where did you go?" Nie Jiajun, who is not good at Chinese, frowned. What do you mean by that?
But Lu Xiya didn't answer him, and continued: "I was angry and scolded back, I said your husband ran away with other women, the neighbor slapped me, scolded me for having a mother but not a mother, and then I ran home Ask my dad, ask him if what that person said is true, if my mother is not dead, if she ran away with someone else, if she doesn't want me."

Then he suddenly realized what the meaning of "run away" was.

She felt a deep pain in her heart because of her life experience. A girl who had no mother since she was a child had to bear the strange eyes of others.

He sighed heavily, and gently stroked her back with his hand, comforting her silently.

"My dad hugged me that night and cried a lot. The next day he took me to the cemetery, pointed to a photo of a woman and said, this is my mother..." Lu Xiya is a very strong person after all, after crying , the mood quickly recovered, but he recalled the past with some sluggishness: "I was too young at that time, and now I can't remember the appearance in the photo, and the three words on it that I don't know."

"That was the only time I saw my mother. Later... Later, my father took me to move. I know that although he didn't say anything on the surface, he was very angry at what the neighbors said to me, because it made him He took me to move, and then gradually grew up and went to elementary school, without a mother, and my classmates bullied me."

"So your father remarried, right?"

When I saw her for the first time, I was attracted by the unspeakable loneliness and slight sadness in her eyes.

He felt that she was very special. At that moment, he understood her strength and forbearance, as well as her loneliness and desolation.

Her face was full of colorful expressions, she was obviously such a happy and carefree person, how could she have such sad eyes?
As the days went by, he gradually realized that there were many secrets about her.

A secret she tried so hard to keep hidden.

It was this sense of mystery that deeply confused him.

At the same time, she is a contradictory person.

(End of this chapter)

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