Allure: The Man God's Love Wanted

Chapter 121 Shameless guy [03]

Chapter 121 Shameless guy [03]

But if she doesn't admit it, she will be the one who always abandons her.

Lu Xiya bit her red lips lightly, looked at him in embarrassment, and finally said bitterly: "You bullied me."

The four words are so powerful that the man's situation is gone immediately, he put his arms around her and kissed her again and again: "I'm not willing to bully you, it's too late for me to love you."

"Klaus…." Her words were blocked by him.

At the same time, intoxicating fireworks bloomed in the sky.

There were exclamations from the stage not far away.

This is the grand finale of the birthday party.

Under his favorite fireworks, he took the trouble to kiss her again.

The flowers are perfect and the moon is full, and the two hearts agree with each other.

The beautiful scenery on a good day will never be forgotten.

★★Ye Xiwei's original "Youth Dancing: A Bad Girl Who Loves You"★★.
Lu Xiya woke up in Nie Jiajun's arms, wearing the same style of couple pajamas as him.

The man lay flat on his back, she was pillowed on his arm, curled up in the warm arms.

It's nice to wake up to a warm morning.

Nie Jiajun's biggest advantage is his gentlemanly demeanor, but his biggest shortcoming is also his gentlemanly demeanor.

In such a beautiful environment yesterday, he just hugged her and chatted about love, but he didn't deviate further.

He kept his promise to her and would never force her.

So she slept with him very simply, but did nothing.

"Wake up." She whispered, biting his ear.

"Yeah." He turned around and held her tighter: "Let's sleep for another 10 minutes."

Nie Jiajun has a strong urge to get up, even if he wakes up, he likes to stay in bed and continue to sleep.

I heard Lan Xin say that Nie Xichen also loves lazy beds. It turns out that all the men in Nie's family have this bad habit.

She smiled badly, stretched out her hand towards his armpit, and scratched it.

Suddenly, the man bounced away and woke up.

Seeing this, she laughed happily.

"Little villain." He rushed towards her and kissed her red lips fiercely.

After kissing her until she couldn't breathe, he gnawed out small red flowers on her neck.

"Stop making trouble, she still has class." She dodged and dodged, and the two of them were having a great time on the bed.

It wasn't until Hong Gu came to call for someone again that they lazily climbed off the bed, washed and changed their clothes.

While washing, he rubbed the shaving foam on her face.

She fought back by splashing water on him, and there was a long fight between you and me.

So Honggu came to urge people to go downstairs again.

Downstairs, Nie Fei and Lily were both there, the man was reading the newspaper, and the woman was eating breakfast.

Seeing that the two of them finally went downstairs, Hong Gu quickly ordered the servants to prepare their breakfast.

Nie Jiajun had an unstoppable smile on his face, and kept his eyes on her body for a moment, as if he had endless words to say, whispering and laughing.

After the two of them sat down at the dining table, their breakfast also came.

Lu Xiya sat upright, called Aunt Lily and Uncle Fei, at the same time glared at Nie Jiajun resentfully, and pushed him away.

The heart of the man beside him seemed to be filled with honey. From last night to this morning, his heart was very sweet.

She pushed him away, and he leaned forward to bite her ear again.

Lily was very dissatisfied that her son ignored her and was always clinging to this humble little girl.

At the birthday party yesterday, she ran away without a trace during the halftime. Originally, she planned to introduce some girls to him, and they were all wealthy businessmen who had business contacts with the Nie family.

As a result, the male protagonist disappeared, and the phone was not connected, and the invited ladies and ladies were abruptly ignored.

(End of this chapter)

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