Allure: The Man God's Love Wanted

Chapter 130 Dare to Bite Me 【06】

Chapter 130 Dare to Bite Me 【06】

Lu Xiya and Lan Yu were equally astonished.

Soon, they remembered that since Zuo Zhe went abroad, his mobile phone number in China would naturally be turned off.

The mobile phone was torn apart again and scattered on the wall behind Lu Xiya's head. This time it was Lan Yu who dropped the mobile phone.

The shattered shell flew away, passing Lu Xiya's tender skin, and a bloody gash appeared on her cheek.

She closed her eyes in pain, and when she opened them again, Lan Yu's hideous face was very close at hand.

The chin was roughly grabbed, and the nearby skin turned pale.

"Tell me, how can I torture you?"

"You pervert, go to hell."

"Come on, I like to torture people with a stubborn mouth, I have plenty of ways." Lan Yu opened her palm, her face turned cold: "Bring a dagger here! I'm going to pull out her teeth one by one."

Lucia's pupils narrowed and she stared at him in disbelief.

Is he crazy?

Still, are you scaring yourself?
But he doesn't look like that.

One of his men handed over his dagger.

The dagger opened in front of Lan Yu's evil face, and he smiled eeriely, as terrifying as the god of death coming.

The hand pinching her chin, exerting some more pressure, forcefully pinched her mouth open.

"Which one should I call first?" He smiled sinisterly.

"Uh... let go, let go... I, uh..." She struggled desperately, throwing her head back again and again.

The dagger is getting closer and closer.

She even felt the cold metal of the dagger, sharply stimulating her teeth.


He is really crazy.

Lucia's whole body felt as if she had fallen into a cellar of ice, with cold sweat permeating her clothes.

No way, she won't really be dismembered by him.

God, she just kicked him. Is it worth doing this to her?
"No, don't..." She screamed, tears of fear flowed down her face, which was whiter than a corpse.

Seeing this, the subordinates next to him looked at each other in blank dismay, apparently also frightened by Lan Yu's actions.

They thought he was just scaring her.

But judging from the current situation, it seems that it is going to be serious.

One of his subordinates stepped forward and called timidly: "Young Master Yu? You..."

"Exit for me." Lan Yu smiled terribly, focusing on the tears on her face: "You have nothing to do here."

Two crystal clear tears, sliding down the pale face, how beautiful it is!
"Haha...haha." He laughed like a perverted murderer.

The two subordinates looked at each other again, they couldn't figure out his intention for a while, after thinking about it, they retreated according to his words.

They had never seen such a bloodthirsty Lan Yu before.

However, they didn't think too much, turned around, opened the door of the utility room, and retreated to wait outside the door.

However, after opening the door, they were all stunned: "School, principal..."

Melissa and Fu Mingxuan who passed by outside the door were also stunned. They did not expect that the door of the utility room where the sundries were placed would suddenly open.

Lan Yu in the room froze, and quickly reached out to cover Lu Xiya's mouth, but Lu Xiya bit on it faster.

He flinched in pain and cursed softly, "Damn woman, how dare you bite me."

"Help! Help! Help!"

Three screams cut through the silent confrontation between the two sides.

Fu Mingxuan reacted immediately, pushed away the two people blocking the door, and rushed in.

Melissa rushed in after him.

Huo Ran, the two of them were so shocked by the scene before them that they couldn't speak for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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