Allure: The Man God's Love Wanted

Chapter 140 It's Good He's Here 【04】

Chapter 140 It's Good He's Here 【04】

He secretly swore: I will never let anyone hurt you again, never.

★★Ye Xiwei's original "Youth Dancing: A Bad Girl Who Loves You"★★.
When Lan Yu found him, he was embracing left and right, the beauty of red wine, happy to leave.

Without getting angry, he rushed forward and looked at the handsome face of the opponent, just punching him down.

The man sneered, turned his head, with bloodthirsty blood hanging from the corner of his mouth, cold and gloomy: "Brother, what are you doing?"

"Who told you to go find her? Who told you to hurt her?" Lan Yu didn't let go of her hatred. She rushed forward, grabbed the opponent's collar, and punched her again.

He punched the wind and was full of vigor, as if he had exhausted all his strength to vent his anger.

The sexy beauty who was originally by Lan Ying's side was so frightened that she ran away, her knee hit the coffee table, and the red wine bottle on it rolled over, scattering red all over the floor.

After seven or eight punches, Lan Yu stopped, panting heavily: "I warn you, don't touch her hair again."

Lan Ying didn't fight back from the beginning to the end, and let him vent on himself, before he finished, he turned his face to the side and spat out the blood in his mouth.

Lying on the sofa staggeringly, laughing lowly and sullenly.

Lan Yu was inexplicably startled: "What are you laughing at?"

He wiped his mouth, looked up at Lan Yu, and smiled strangely: "You really like her very much."

Lan Yu's face turned pale, and she gasped for breath: "What do you mean? Who I like has nothing to do with you, mind your own business, and don't bother me."

"The majestic Young Master Lan actually learns how to play secret love like others, hahaha, it's really funny, I'm dying of laughter."

"You don't need to deal with my affairs." Clenched his fists again.

"I don't care? Is there anything you don't care about? Don't forget that you have today, it's all because of how many tricks I played behind the scenes, and now you tell me that I don't care about it?"

Lan Ying stood up, and pressed his fingers on the disfigured place, his cheeks were red and swollen from the beating, with blood seeping wetly.

When he withdrew his hand, his fingers were covered with thick drops of blood, which were terribly red.

The two brothers have the same height and the same facial features, but they have different temperaments.

One lazy, one evil.

Lan Yu took a step forward, poked his chest, and said word by word: "Don't say I didn't remind you, Lan Ying, help me, this is your job, and you are destined to go on like this in this life, so you can't see the light , you have no choice."

Lan Ying stared at him, half-closed his dark eyes, and a little anger surged inside: "It is because I know my identity that I will help you get that girl, don't you want her very much? I am just helping you." busy."

He didn't mention it, and Lan Yu planned to let it go, but he had a bad attitude and was arrogant.

Immediately it made him angry again, he lifted Lan Ying's collar, and warned: "Your job is only on official business, not on personal matters, and you can't let me interfere with my feelings."

"Okay, I did something wrong." Lan Ying raised her hands in a gesture of surrender, "I promise you never to look for her again, that's fine."

"Huh." Lan Yu thought of the rewards of his subordinates, and thought of how he tortured her, and felt very uncomfortable, but he couldn't deal with him, and he was still valuable.

The Flame Alliance continued to strife, and the voices supporting him and opposing him were equal.

He needed Lan Ying to help him deal with the opposing voices secretly.

He can't quarrel too stiffly with him, otherwise he will suffer from the enemy, and the gain will outweigh the loss.

Letting go of the collar he was holding, Lan Yu once again calmed down the anger in his heart: "You should leave here for a few days."

(End of this chapter)

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