Allure: The Man God's Love Wanted

Chapter 151 I will settle accounts with him next time [03]

Chapter 151 I will settle accounts with him next time [03]

It was a birthday present from his grandfather.

She thought for a while and nodded.

That day was a turning point in their relationship, and she reaffirmed her relationship.

Abandon the past and decide to be with him.

That night, she kept in her heart every word he said to her.

"That research institute has been in operation, mainly taking on some small projects, such as developing new drugs and cracking new viruses, because I have no intention of operating it, so it has been in a state of loss." He explained briefly: "The first few I was in the hospital last month and came into contact with patients with a new variant of influenza, and found that the virus of the new influenza is very strong, and I believe it will become a new mainstream virus."

"Later, I submitted my discovery to the Ministry of Health, and received a small amount of support from above to develop a new drug to restrain the influenza virus. After research by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Drug Administration, I found that this new drug is very effective. The country intends to find a pharmaceutical factory to produce it. So I accepted it."

The influenza virus broke out on a large scale a few years ago, and many people died all over the world, which once caused a period of medical tension.

The medicine produced by the pharmaceutical factory was once a hot commodity.

In order to facilitate research and development, the pharmaceutical factory is deliberately located in the United States, adjacent to the research institute.

Seeing the business opportunities in this area, he boldly innovated, took the congratulatory money he received on his birthday a while ago, and then recruited his friend Zhong Cheng to jointly open a pharmaceutical factory.

Even so, there is still a huge gap in their pharmaceutical factory, so they have the idea of ​​attracting investors.

This piece of cake is too big, and others must be found to share the cost and risk.

The person he was looking for was also Chinese, and he had a high reputation in Manhattan, a businessman from a wealthy country.

It's just that the other party's appetite is also great, and they agreed to inject [-] million yuan, but they must own [-]% of the shares of the pharmaceutical factory.

Nie Jiajun naturally refused, so things were in a state of tension.

He pulled off the quilt, got into bed, and said: "If it goes well, it will be put into use next month, and the new drug will be on the market in three months, and the investment income will be recovered by the end of the year. This is a guaranteed business."

"Why don't you ask Xichen to inject capital?" After all, he is his own person, so there is no need to attract investors.

"I don't want to rely on Mrs. Nie, I want to rely on myself to make a career." He slid down, lay down next to her and closed his eyes: "Besides, I don't want others to say that I rely on the shadow of my ancestors."

"You think so well, have you ever thought that the new medicine will be unsalable?" She was very worried.

Nie Jiajun, not a business genius, Nie Xichen, has an unparalleled business acumen.

Everything is about sales volume. If you can’t sell it, it’s useless to produce more products.

After all, it is a new drug. If the new type of influenza does not break out, the new drug will be useless, and the produced medicine will be hoarded, and the funds of the pharmaceutical factory will also be hoarded.

This is a chain of business, has he thought it through?

On the contrary, if a new type of influenza breaks out, countries around the world will buy medicines from his pharmaceutical factory, which will be a considerable windfall.

Is it a danger or an opportunity?
"In addition to being suitable for the new type of flu, the new drug also has special effects on the old type of flu. Don't worry, I will make a fortune soon. You are waiting to be a young lady."

In the end, he didn't bother to chat with her anymore, his nasal voice was thick, he turned around and fell asleep.

Lu Xiya was still very worried, half leaning on the head of the bed, thinking and thinking: "Doing business is not that simple, it is different from your operation, hello, hello? You... why are you sleeping here?"

(End of this chapter)

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