Allure: The Man God's Love Wanted

Chapter 158 I will settle accounts with him next time [10]

Chapter 158 I will settle accounts with him next time [10]

She admits that she desires mother's love more than father's love, or lacks mother's love because of her childhood.

Whenever I see other mothers asking their children how they are, preparing food for them, telling them to be careful when crossing the road, and telling them to go home early for dinner.

At that time, she had an urge to cry.

My own hand was injured, it was wrapped with a bandage, and there were five fingerprints on my face if I looked closely.

She looked like this, but she didn't get her parents' care and inquiries.

What kind of sadness is this.

I really want to have someone who can shake me like nagging Lu Mulin, even if I scold myself for not coming home at night, bad studies and poor morals.

Qiao Ying will not, never will do this.

What she told her the most was that the price of goods is very expensive now, so she should save money, Mu Lin's academic performance is good, let her not go to college, and save the money for her younger brother to go to college.

Money, everything is money.

Give Mu Lin all the good things, and she is just a redundant person in the family, so don't give anything.

She was neither jealous nor hated, because without Qiao Ying, a poor man like Lu Wenbo would never be able to marry a wife.

But she, who longs for a complete family, doesn't even know what maternal love is like.

Although Qiao Ying is strong and pungent, she works hard for the family, loves her younger brother, and continues the incense lamp for the Lu family.

So Lu Xiya is very grateful to her, thank her very much, if it wasn't for her, she wouldn't have a younger brother, if it wasn't for her, her classmates would call her a motherless child.

Lucia responded with a groan, and sat silently.

At this moment, Lu Mulin turned around and said to her with a slightly hoarse voice: "Go home, I'm fine, there are doctors and nurses here."

His face was still covered with bandages. According to the doctor, the burns on his face were not large and did not affect his eyes, ears, mouth and nose.

But when he spoke, he felt a dull pain in the wound, and after saying this, he didn't want to say anything more.

"Yeah." She smiled, agreeing.

After all, this is an expensive private hospital, and the people who live here are taken care of by special personnel, and all food and drink are taken care of by the caretakers.

These nurses have undergone professional training, and they are neat and considerate in their work, even more thoughtful than their family members.

Qiao Ying stayed for two days and had nothing to do except sit and chat with her son.

Most of the time, she just talks on her own.

When Lu Wenbo was there, he also listened to her talk, it was as quiet as air.

But no matter what she said, Lu Mulin didn't pay attention, closed his eyes, and then simply fell asleep.

Every man and woman who is in the rebellious period of youth does not want to see their parents, especially the chattering mother.

However, after the initial quarrel, he became calm and seemed to accept the disfigurement.

"I'm worried that you're here alone. I'll go back when you feel better." Qiao Ying insisted on refusing to leave.

Lu Mulin's eyes were annoyed by her persistent motherly love, but his wound was hurting, and he didn't want to say anything about her.

Lying down with Qiao Ying on her back: "As you like."

Qiao Ying stood up and tucked the quilt up for him, letting it happen that way, feeling distressed and doting.

Lu Mulin pushed it away angrily, and she took the trouble to help him pull it again, nagging: "It's autumn, it's cold at night, don't catch a cold."

Lucia watched her movements with envy in her eyes.

In the eyes of some people, the mother's words are trembling, and the mother's behavior is superfluous.

PS: Lan Yu said: "I am the number two male who can't be beaten to death, wait, I will make a comeback soon, haha~~~~." In addition, Ye Xiwei's QQ307050976, reading group 178586939, welcome private chat or group chat.

(End of this chapter)

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