Allure: The Man God's Love Wanted

Chapter 24 Meeting a Thief 【02】

Chapter 24 Meeting a Thief 【02】

She only said that the tuition was paid with the money she had saved from her part-time job. Because of the relationship with the Nie family, the school charged an unprecedentedly low fee, so there was no need for parents to worry about the tuition.

"I'm not someone else." He frowned.

"You're not someone else." She changed her words mercilessly: "But he's less open-minded, so you just follow my words."

She pouts her little lips acting like a baby, and her voice softens several degrees. He feels comfortable listening, so he nods in agreement.

He didn't bother to show off this little money to others.

It's just that he feels wronged for her in his heart, and she is always hot when it comes to the family's money, but the Lu family never pays attention to it.

May I ask, what kind of part-time job can a poor student like her do to earn the sky-high tuition fees of Melissa College?

It's not that the Lu family doesn't understand this truth, but they refuse to understand it.

He said he was angry with the Lu family, but he was actually even more angry with Lu Xiya for wronging him.

Then she said she couldn't tell her family, they were living together and so on.

Nie Jiajun frowned even tighter, quite dissatisfied, but his tone of voice was still gentle: "Why does it sound like an underground affair?"

If he hadn't told his family that they were dating, he would really have suspected that she was hiding him like a bad boy, so that he could not see the light.

"You don't like it?" She looked at him provocatively, her self-esteem was playing tricks: "Perhaps you prefer others to say that I was taken care of?"

He raised his eyebrows, his posture was lazy, and his blue eyes narrowed: "It's only natural for a girlfriend to spend money from her boyfriend."

"So your ex-girlfriends still come to you from time to time to buy things with you, and you think it's only right."

"Breaking up is still a friend, not to mention that a friend needs it, I can still afford the money." He has always been generous to women, no matter the former or the current one.

The most important thing is that he has generous and strong capital.

"How much?" She said in a bad voice: "LV bag, Dior perfume, Chanel evening wear, which one do you think only cost a few dollars?"

"You look so petty." The rich young master turned over and sat up, a little annoyed: "Anyway, you should spend the money I give you, so don't worry about these small sums. If you don't want me to tell your family, I won't tell you." , I guarantee that when they ask me, I don’t know what to ask, OK? You can do whatever you like.”

Lu Xiya was so angry that she couldn't speak, she stared at his side face, such a smooth face shape.

Flawless, just like his people.

In his eyes, he felt that women should be pampered and coaxed by men, and men should take care of everything.

And what about her?But no, I don't like him helping her, and I don't like him talking too much now.

Which man is not vain, and working hard to make money is not just for the praise of women, how amazing my man is, and what he gave me and what he gave me.

Girls are always so petite and lovely to cling to men.

What is she trying to do?

Doing it in front of the Lu family is also doing it in front of him.

The more he thought about it, the angrier Nie Jiajun's heart became.


However, these words were extremely awkward and unpleasant to Lu Xiya's ears.

She was furious: "That's right, I'm petty. I'm from a bad family and I'm poor, so I love to care about every detail, unlike your young master who throws out tens of thousands of dollars at every turn."

"Spend it all, and there is a wealthy family backing it. You never have to worry about money. Do you think I don't want it? Who doesn't want to have money that can't be spent, but we don't have this capital, and we don't have such parents."

(End of this chapter)

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