Allure: The Man God's Love Wanted

Chapter 34 Her Disaster [05]

Chapter 34 Her Disaster [05]

Smoky make-up loves shaking feet: Sister Ye, I heard that you have a black belt in Taekwondo. I am just a mere star-dou citizen with no strength to restrain a chicken, and I will never jump over like a heroine.

Lu Xiya had to declare in advance that the descendants of the Nie family practiced martial arts since childhood, even Ye Ziye, who is an illegitimate daughter, also possessed a strong kung fu.

Over the wall?

So. easy!

In fact, at this time, she would rather be Nie Jiajun online. Even if he can't save her, she can take the opportunity to act like a baby with him to ease the tense atmosphere last night.

Otherwise, it will be even more embarrassing when I go back tonight. It is very unconscionable to send someone away and have a cold war with the owner.

Because she is a conscientious person, she should not continue the cold war.

Tears came from racing: Xiaoya's children's shoes, climbing over the wall and martial arts are like rice and steak. They have no relationship at all, so you can climb the wall without worry.

Smoky makeup likes to shake feet: embarrassing.

Next, Ye Ziye explained how to climb the wall, no, it was the essentials of climbing the wall.

First of all, remove the valuables from your body, it is best to travel lightly.

So she stuffed her cell phone and her hat into her shoulder bag, and threw them over the other end of the wall.

Then he took a few steps back, rubbed his hands fiercely, bent slightly, and made a sprint.

Take a deep breath, go——.

Stopping and jumping, grasping the top of the wall with both hands, and then pulling the body upwards vigorously, crawling and climbing on the wall with feet, and finally climbed to the top of the wall.

The wall of Melissa College is higher than that of the previous third-tier and ninth-rate schools, and it is necessary to be able to climb the wall at one time.

Lucia had a great sense of accomplishment, she felt refreshed, her hands and feet hugged the narrow wall tightly, and she couldn't help letting out a heavy breath.

It seems that the success of overcoming the wall really has nothing to do with the quality of the skill.

"Hi." Someone called from under the wall.

Lucia looked over instinctively.

Below, Lan Yu pointed her phone at her, and raised the corner of her mouth, forming an evil smile: "Girl, give me a smile."


The sound of the shutter.

Lucia Black Line: "...."

Lan Yu checked the effect of the mobile phone and complained: "Why don't you smile? And you look very cowardly."

"Your sister's dead pervert, dead voyeur, I won't throw away your phone tonight, and my surname is not Lu." A certain woman finally went crazy, and she came to Melissa College for two days. It didn't work out as expected, these people, who were there or not, loved to find trouble with her.

Especially the devil in front of her, who threw her head yesterday, and today secretly photographed her again and again.

She's going crazy.

She is really going crazy.

Lu Xiya was so angry that she didn't care about being on the high wall. She pressed her hands and jumped off it.

She jumped out of breath, and when she landed on the ground, her right foot stepped on a stone, her ankle twisted, and her body slammed into the wall.

Then there was a crisp sound of bones and joints.

The two were stunned at the same time.

Lu Xiya sat down slowly along the wall, her face twisted and painful, her lips were white, and the sweat was densely seeping on her face.

Seeing this, Lan Yu faded her teasing smile, and quickly rushed forward to help her up: "What's wrong with you? Where did you hurt?"

"My hand...fingers." She raised her trembling right hand, her thumb was in a strange shape.

Lan Yu took her hand with both hands, and she shouted: "It hurts...don't...don't touch me."

He didn't care, but the strength was light, and he touched her finger joints, his face was serious: "It's broken."

(End of this chapter)

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