Allure: The Man God's Love Wanted

Chapter 372 A Selfish and Inferior Woman [Ending Chapter 43]

Chapter 372 A Selfish and Inferior Woman 【End 43】

When the excellent and perfect Nie Jiajun appeared, the deepest part of her heart was imprinted—she was not worthy.

So she never took Nie Jiajun seriously, or maybe she never took anyone seriously.

Surrounding herself heavily, hiding in the deepest place, if others can't come in, she can't get out either.

This is her, a selfish and inferior woman.

On the one hand, he has low self-esteem and is not worthy of others, and on the other hand, he is selfishly dragging others down.

So is Nie Jiajun, so is Lan Yu.

For the sake of their liking for her, she kept using their feelings to find a safe haven for the Lu family and herself.

Because she fell in love with Nie Jiajun, she was unwilling to drag him down any longer, so she grabbed Lan Yu's lifeline.

Oh, it turns out that she is so vicious.

How can she talk about Gu You and Melissa when she looks like this?


An Yuqi reached out to wrap her in her arms, but she resisted and pushed him away, turning her face away.

On the stubborn and delicate face, there was pain and sadness.

When did his happy little angel turn into a little hedgehog?
Remembering that he hadn't heard from him for several years, he sighed slightly: "After we met last time, I was always uneasy and wanted to let go of you, but I just couldn't let go. After returning to the orchestra, I kept thinking that what I missed was really There are too many, the achievements in the band can't hide my emptiness, these days I'm always thinking about our past."


"I know that you are not the original you, and I am not the original me. We have grown up, learned a lot, and have our own worries and worries... But, my heart has not changed, I don't want to Give up on you easily, Xi Ya, why don't you think about it again and come with me."

He once begged her hard, and she gave him a very clear answer, but he just couldn't be reconciled.

After so many years of hard work, he finally had a career and was able to take care of her, but he lost her.

Unwilling, he came back here again and invited her again.

She lowered her head and shook it gently.

An Yuqi's heart was suddenly broken.

It turns out that some things have changed, and some people will not wait for you all the time.

The love that is missed, there is no room for turning back.


Silence, it was a long silence.

The wind blew the clothes of the two of them and flapped them.

Gradually, they felt that the cold was coming, but they didn't have the idea of ​​leaving, so they just sat on the beach like this.

The sun moved westward and fell on the horizon, shining a soft golden color on the sea.

The couples on the beach hugged each other and left, and they were the only ones left.

Sitting side by side, each meditating in their own minds.

"Yuqi, forget about me, I'm not a good person." Her barely audible voice accompanied the wind.

He looked up at her in astonishment, not knowing when she was looking at him fixedly, there were too many incomprehensible emotions in her eyes.

There is a particularly obvious one, she is not happy, she is suppressing herself.

"I know everything about you, including the videos at school, and your relationship with Nie Jiajun and Lan Yu, I know all of this very clearly." His eyes were sincere and persistent: "The hardships you have endured these years, I dare not say that I feel the same way, but I really understand your decision, and I don't blame you for choosing to be a pickpocket, nor am I angry that you fell in love with someone else."

(End of this chapter)

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