Allure: The Man God's Love Wanted

Chapter 385 Both Face and Riko Can't Get Over [Ending Chapter 56]

Chapter 385 Both Face and Riko Can't Get Over [Ending Chapter 56]

"Of course, silly boy." The middle-aged man patted Lan Yu's shoulder, and the two walked back side by side.

Lan Yu looked back at her, Lu Xiya showed him a reassuring smile, and followed behind the father and son.

After going down the stairs, Lu Xiya naturally invited them in for a cup of tea.

The middle-aged man waved his hand: "No, let's drink next time. I have an appointment for dinner. It's getting late."

Lan Yu asked, "Who did you date?"

"Boss Bai, you haven't seen each other for a long time, why don't you go too, he misses you a lot."

Lan Yu hesitated, and looked at Lu Xiya, what did his father tell her just now?
He really wanted to stay and ask carefully, he was afraid that she would be scared off by her father.

Lu Xiya said generously and gracefully: "Go, I'm tired too, and I want to rest earlier."

"Then I'll pick you up at work tomorrow."

"Okay." She readily agreed.

Seeing that she was fine, Lan Yu let go of his heart and went downstairs with his father.

After seeing them off, Lucia opened the door and entered the room, threw the satchel in her hand, and threw herself heavily on the bed.

Take a deep breath and breathe out heavily.

I should have cleaned up the trouble I caused myself.

It's just that this disaster seems to be getting more and more out of hand.

Lan Yu's father made it very clear that she was not an ideal candidate for a wife, but for Lan Yu's sake, they could step back and agree with her.

As for the suitable candidate in his mouth, they won their hearts, and I'm afraid they wish Lan Yu could marry that woman.

It would be great if that woman fell in love with Lan Yu.

Lu Xiya realized that she was too selfish and was shirking responsibility. The trouble she caused couldn't be solved, so she wanted outsiders to get involved to help her solve it.

Turned around, hugged the pillow, and fell asleep sullenly with all his clothes on.

I didn't know how long I had slept in a daze, when I was suddenly awakened by a ringing bell.


"Why is the voice like this? Are you sick?"

"No, I was sleeping just now, little beauty, haven't you slept yet?"

"It's only eight o'clock, it's early." Lan Xin retorted angrily, and quickly returned to the topic: "Grandpa wants to see you, so come here now."

"I haven't eaten yet." Lucia stroked her rumbling stomach, a little embarrassed.

I broke up with Nie Jiajun, and if I ask her to go to Nie's house now, Grandpa will definitely question her about the breakup.

Lan Xin is worthy of being a peerless little beauty with both beauty and wisdom. She immediately heard her thoughts and worries, and said, "You can run today, but you can't run tomorrow, and dress me nicely."

"Why?" Every time she was told to dress up, it was a hint that she was going to meet someone's parents.

"The third child's parents are back, and they also want to see you."

"So grandpa is the smoke screen, and they are the main course. Your Nie family wants to put me on public trial, right?"

"Yes, you're pretty smart."

"I'm not smart, please let me go."

"Who told you to abandon my third child all the time, you deserve it, come over quickly, or I will personally arrest you."

"..." This is the best friend.

Thinking back to how sympathetic and gentle the little beauty Lan was back then, since she got married, she vented her anger through the same nostrils as her husband's family, and became cunning and black-bellied.

Hey, what a mistake to make a bad friend.

In order to carry out the absolute principle of "starting in chaos and ending in abandonment", Lu Xiya decided to put white doves on Lan Xin and Nie's family in a gorgeous way.

She didn't go to Nie's house, and she didn't dare to stay in the rented house and wait for someone to arrest her.

She went to the hospital to visit Lu Mulin. His operation was delayed again and again, which was really worrying.

(End of this chapter)

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