Allure: The Man God's Love Wanted

Chapter 395 Lan Yu's Fiancee [Ending Chapter 66]

Chapter 395 Lan Yu's Fiancee [Ending Chapter 66]

Lu Xiya glanced at Bai Linglong, and said, "She has nothing to do with this matter, you should let her go."

"Do you think we are fools? Let her go? Wait for her to report the news, or let her... ah." The man in black cried out in pain before finishing his sentence.

A black gun fell on Lu Xiya's feet, Lu Xiya's eyes widened, unable to recover.

What, what happened here?

Look again, Bai Linglong's man with the dagger on the driver's seat was staring at the man with the gun just now.

And the man with the gun, whose wrist was picked, was dripping with blood, curled up on the seat and groaned in pain.

"Quick, pick up the gun." Bai Linglong urged her.

Only then did Lu Xiya react, and quickly bent down to pick up the gun. The gun was very heavy, and Lu Xiya's hands trembled after picking it up.

This was her first time holding a gun, and the situation changed so quickly that she was a little overwhelmed.

It was obvious that Bai Linglong was familiar with knives and guns. When she picked up the gun, she quickly snatched it away. The dagger continued to rest on the man in the driver's seat, while the gun pointed at the injured man.

Suddenly, the situation reversed.

Bai Linglong's voice suddenly turned cold: "Who sent you here?"

The two men in black were silent.

Bai Linglong asked again: "Is it Lan Ying?"

Continue to be silent.

She knew that these people were all loyal, so she might not be able to ask the result.

Besides, it was not safe for them to be in the car. After all, the other party was in control of the steering wheel. Since they couldn't ask anything, she yelled at them to pull over and stop the car.

The two men in black were considered qualified, the car parked firmly, and the two got out of the car quickly.

After they got out of the car, the taxi drove away quickly.

Lu Xiya looked at the gun in Bai Linglong's hand, then at the crowded street, and wiped off a cold sweat.

Bai Linglong was nothing different, she stuffed the gun into her bag as naturally as she stuffed her wallet.

The cold face instantly returned to innocence, and he held her hand coquettishly: "Sister Ya, I want to eat a hamburger."

"……."you are vicious.

After eating the hamburger and on the way to the hospital, after Lu Xiya's stalking interrogation, Bai Linglong's life experience was finally clarified.

It turns out that the fathers of the Bai family and the Lan family are best friends. When they were young, they went through life and death, and Bai Lao used to block bullets for Lan's father.

The two families are as close as one family. When the two got married, they made a baby kiss in a bloody way. When their children get married, they will have a baby kiss.

Unexpectedly, both families gave birth to boys, and a few years later, the Bai family had a baby girl. This time, Father Lan wanted to take the baby girl as his wife no matter what. She was Bai Linglong.

The Bai family immigrated to foreign countries in the early years, but Bai Linglong's grandparents were often taken care of by the Lan family in China.

This marriage is more unbreakable.

Although Lan Yu and Lan Ying are twins, in the final analysis, Lan Yu is the eldest son, and his character is deeply liked by Lan's father. The person Bai Linglong wants to match is naturally Lan Yu.

Although the Bai family immigrated to a foreign country, they were still gangsters. Bai Linglong and her elder brother received special training since they were young, and their skills were extraordinary.

With the swiping just now, the dagger instantly severed the arteries of the man in black, causing him to bleed profusely, which is a testament to how powerful she is.

After listening, Lu Xiya secretly wiped off her sweat, remembering what happened in the stairwell yesterday.

Fortunately, I knew the current affairs and raised my hand to surrender, otherwise what happened to the man in black today would be what happened to me last night.

The wariness he had just let go of her suddenly tightened up again.

This girl is too lethal, it's like a ticking time bomb to stay around.

(End of this chapter)

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