Allure: The Man God's Love Wanted

Chapter 4 The so-called Noble School【04】

Chapter 4 The so-called Noble School【04】

He smiled and let her go, took a step back gracefully, with a free and elegant movement, half leaning on the car, and said: "Go home early after school, I'll wait for you for dinner."

"Who cooks?" She curled her lips to find fault.

He raised his head again, his blue eyes flickered against the backdrop of blond bangs, and he smiled coquettishly: "You don't need to do it."

It is undeniable that the young masters of the Nie family are good-looking, and they can attract everyone's attention gorgeously with every movement and movement.

Especially Nie Jiajun, who has a monstrous appearance of mixed Chinese and Western blood, with soft and flattering blond hair, a pair of deep blue eyes, and a model's hanger figure.

His appearance is both enchanting and gentle, his temperament is both elegant and sinister, and his utter feeling is a perfect combination.

He, so unique and flawless.

There are more and more passers-by A and B watching them.

"You said it." She scratched the tip of her nose to make sure he was not joking, and quickly fled the scene.

As soon as she left, he left too, and the group of onlookers dispersed.

However, the voices of everyone discussing mixed-race children did not dissipate, spreading all the way to the school.

★★Ye Xiwei's original "Youth Dancing: A Bad Girl Who Loves You"★★.
The large city is divided into north and south wings.

The south of the city shows the luxury of the nobility, while the north of the city gives rise to the dark depravity.

Among the many colleges and universities, Xincheng No. [-] Middle School in the south of the city and Gangpei High School in the north of the city are good representatives of success and failure.

Just because these two high schools dominate the city's best and worst college rankings.

If Xincheng No. [-] Middle School is a gathering of elites, then Gang Pei College is a gathering place for gangsters.

The school gates in Xincheng are not easy to squeeze, not that you can squeeze if you want. On the contrary, Gangpei's school gates are like the devil's gate to hell, constantly absorbing abandoned students.

They are famous for being the best at the top and the worst at the bottom, while other colleges and universities seem mediocre and dispensable in comparison.

Of course, it's not easy to get into Xincheng No. [-] Middle School. Apart from having some money at home, you also need to have strength.

Hmm, the strength of reading.

Every year, there will always be a group of children from rich families who, because they cannot squeeze into the new city, will fall into the ranks of ordinary colleges and universities.

As a result, those who squeezed in would laugh at those who couldn't squeeze in, and some even threw themselves into Gang Pei's arms because of this, and then the elders lost face, and the whole family also lost face.

Therefore, some officials and businessmen resolutely opened an aristocratic school for the sake of face and reason, and for future generations not to go astray.

This noble school is named: Melissa College.

Although the name is a bit strange, it does not affect its school-running philosophy.

What are you asking?

The first thing to advertise is naturally the luxury of the nobility, that is, to use money to accumulate its magnificence.

Everything in the school is the best, from the teaching staff to the teaching equipment, all use the best.

In fact, the admission criteria are the same as that of Xincheng, they must be the materials for studying, and at the same time must be the children of rich families, a combination of the two.

The five-year tenure goal is bound to tear down Xincheng No. [-] Middle School's status as the first brother and become a new generation of overlord of high schools.

However, as the saying goes, there will always be a few small fish and small shrimps who sneak in to fish in troubled waters.

Like Lucia.

In terms of reading ability, she doesn't have it, and in terms of rich mother-in-law, she doesn't have it either.

All she has is a rich and handsome boyfriend, whose English name is Klaus.

That's right, it was Nie Jiajun, the third youngest of the Nie family with blond hair and blue eyes.

Nie Jiajun grew up in a foreign country since he was a child and has been living in a foreign country.

(End of this chapter)

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