Allure: The Man God's Love Wanted

Chapter 404 The Final Choice for Her 【Ending Chapter 76】

Chapter 404 The Final Choice for Her [Ending Chapter 76]

That's right, it's intense hatred.

Even though it was so far away, Lucia felt a chill inexplicably.

Her body trembled, and her originally cold body felt more and more chilly.

Somewhat at a loss, she stood there blankly, without even the most basic reaction.

Gao Sushan had already run over, grabbed Nie Jiajun's arm, pointed at her happily, moved her mouth up and down, not knowing what to say.

After talking for a long time, she saw the black figure between the sky and the earth. He suddenly moved, but he didn't walk towards her.

The men and women surrounding him looked at Lu Xiya strangely, puzzled, and felt that their gaze was too meaningful, but in the blink of an eye, Nie Jiajun turned and left as if nothing happened.

Those who followed him naturally followed him quickly.

Then Lu Xiya heard Gao Sushan yelling, calling her English name, Nie Jiajun's English name, and telling him to stop, asking him why he ignored his girlfriend?
Nie Jiajun didn't speak, as if he couldn't hear her yelling, he just walked forward in his own way.

Zhong Cheng frowned, ran up to grab Gao Sushan who was screaming, then talked in her ear, and pointed to Lu Xiya.

Gao Sushan nodded understandingly, and ran back towards Lu Xiya, while Zhong Cheng went after Nie Jiajun.

Lu Xiya watched the development of the situation, and for the first time she felt that she had no power, no power to pursue and ask for something.

Gone, he really is gone.

Lu Xiya bit her lower lip, followed his back with her eyes, feeling her heart being sliced ​​off by a knife.

This was the situation she wanted to see the most, but when they became strangers, she was so distressed.

"Lu Xiya, what's the matter with you? Don't just stand here, run after her." Gao Sushan became anxious for her, pulled her and ran forward.

She stumbled and ran along, her heart was in a mess, she couldn't say what to do, and she didn't know what she wanted.

Zhong Cheng caught up with Nie Jiajun in front and held him back, but said a few words to those men and women, and those people left with puzzled and curious eyes.

Nie Jiajun struggled with his hand, but he didn't use all his strength to shake it away. His body stood upright, with his back facing their direction.

When they stepped forward, Lu Xiya vaguely heard Zhong Cheng saying: "If you have something to say, explain it to your face. At least he came from China to find you."

Nie Jiajun didn't speak, but his struggling arm stopped, as if he was waiting for her.

Seeing a turning point, Gao Sushan hurriedly bumped her with her shoulder, smiled, and signaled her to move forward quickly.

Zhong Cheng also turned his head and gave her an encouraging look.

Lucia took a deep breath and called him, "Klaus."

Nie Jiajun's back trembled, but he never turned his head, nor did he hum.

It was the first time she saw him like this. Before, he would never lose his temper, nor would he turn his back to her.

Because he is an elegant and noble prince, he only has gentlemanly demeanor in his dictionary and upbringing, he must be polite and polite to girls, and no matter how angry he is, he must not be rude to others.

His abnormality today, even Zhong Cheng and Gao Sushan couldn't stand it, they both stepped forward and said good things.

"It's very common for young couples to quarrel. As men, we have to be tolerant, right, and we can't be too ruthless to our girlfriends."

"That is, speak well, understand and tolerate, and the relationship will last forever."

(End of this chapter)

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