Allure: The Man God's Love Wanted

Chapter 415 Lucia, You Bad Woman [Ending Chapter 88]

Chapter 415 Lucia, You Bad Woman 【End Chapter 88】

"Whatever you want." He gouged her eyes hard, put the chopsticks in his hand down on the dining table, stood up and left.

She always has the ability to make him angry, and she always has the ability to make him restless.

In order not to feel uncomfortable, he escaped from her sight again.

Lu Xiya quickly stood up and followed him. He seemed to hear the voice behind him, and her pace quickened, and so did hers.

The man rushed up to the second floor, entered the bedroom, and slammed the door in her face in a thousandth of a second.

A door separates them.

Lu Xiya thumped the door hard: "Open the door, Nie Jiajun, open the door for me."

After filming for a long time, the people inside did not move. Lu Xiya was anxious and her hands hurt from beating, so she had to turn around in circles to find a way.

At this time, Jie'er came over and asked her: "Miss Lu, the dishes are getting cold, let's eat first."

"I'm not hungry, so I won't eat." No matter how thick-skinned Lu Xiya was, she didn't dare to continue acting wild in front of outsiders. She walked to the next bedroom with her chest in her arms and asked, "Whose room is this?"

"Only the young master lives on the second floor, and the master and wife live downstairs. This room has always been empty."

Lu Xiya's eyes flickered, and a sly thought came: "Then I will stay here tonight."

Jie'er looked at Nie Jiajun's room. Today, when the young master came back with Miss Lu in his arms, there were more than 20 guest rooms in the house. He didn't carry them to his own bedroom. They were very precious.

At that time, she thought that Miss Lu must be very important to the young master, otherwise the young master, who did not enter the kitchen in three steps, miraculously cooked a nest of fragrant porridge, and ordered someone to put some new sets of women's clothes into his closet , There are various indications that the relationship between the two people is not shallow.

It was fine when I was eating porridge, but now I suddenly fell out.

But as far as she was concerned, it was just a quarrel between them.

Jie'er wiped her sweat in embarrassment, should Miss Pai Lu live in the client?
"Tell your young master that I have a stomachache, go quickly." Lu Xiya pushed the door in by herself, and then pushed Jie'er away.

How clever Jie'er was, she understood her trick all of a sudden, and ran to knock on the door tremblingly.

"Young master, it's terrible. Miss Lu suddenly has a stomachache. The pain is very severe. Go and see her."

After Nie Jiajun entered the room, he had been standing at the door, listening to the little woman outside beating on the door, feeling childishly satisfied in his heart.

Hmph, let you be nervous about me, let you also taste the feeling of worry and fear.

Ignore you, just ignore you, it's best to see you panic.

Unexpectedly, he just took pictures outside for a while and stopped. He couldn't help but put his ear on the door panel to look closely. He listened and heard only the sound of footsteps walking farther and farther away.

This time, he became anxious instead, and before he had finished his addiction, he suddenly felt arrogant and bored again.

Wouldn't it take longer to coax people?

He no longer disliked this coaxing way of beating on the door, but she even ran away for him.

Really, really pissed him off.

Just when he was in a hurry and wanted to get out of the bedroom to take a look, Jie'er's anxious voice came.

He was startled, and remembered that it was her pulse, and found that since the separation, her body was much worse than before, and she was seriously lacking in sleep, which led to endocrine disorders and insufficient blood.

With her like this, it's no wonder she didn't fall down.

Nie Jiajun didn't think there was any fraud, he slammed the door open and rushed out, looked left and right, and asked anxiously, "Where is she?"

Jie'er pointed to the next room: "Over there...."

Before the conversation was over, the young master disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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