Allure: The Man God's Love Wanted

Chapter 418 Lucia, You Bad Woman [Ending Chapter 93]

Chapter 418 Lucia, You Bad Woman 【End Chapter 93】

Lan Ying, who pretends to be Lan Yu, has recently been involved in drugs, selling drugs from various channels, and then distributing them by the subordinates of the Flame Alliance.

This incident has long been known in the streets, and the police | came to the door at this time, believing that they had enough evidence.

Lu Xiya thought of what happened to Mr. Han before, and vaguely felt that the two were related.

While the other agents were interrogating the servants of the villa, she lowered her voice and asked Gu You: "Have you checked it out?"

"Well, don't worry about this matter, and don't look for Lan Yu again. Anyone who has contact with him now, please go back to the police station to assist in the investigation." Gu You's tone of voice was much softer than before, revealing a deep feeling. Concern: "You have nothing to do with him, if you get clear with him now, you will be in big trouble in the future."

"I'm not afraid. I believe in his character. He didn't do drug trafficking."

"It's not up to you. We have evidence and evidence. This time, Lan Yu and the Flame League are going to fight each other."

When Gu You talked about the case, the flickering and solemn expression on his face indicated the seriousness of the situation. He wanted to disclose more information to her so that his daughter could avoid this troubled water, but as a law enforcement officer, He has his professional ethics.

But even so, Lu Xiya already knew in her heart that Lan Yu might not be at home by chance, but ran away upon hearing the news.

She couldn't help worrying about his whereabouts.

On the one hand, the police are chasing him, and on the other hand, Lan Ying is planning to frame him, so he will definitely not let him escape safely.

I am afraid that Lan Yu will not have a good life in the future.

After thinking about it, she became more afraid and panicked.

At this time, the agent came over: "Gu Dui, I can't find any useful clues."

"It's okay, let's go to the headquarters of the Flame Alliance." Gu You glanced at Lu Xiya, as if deliberately telling her: "Anyway, we have blocked the entrances and exits of the whole city, and he can't escape."

"Yeah." The detective turned to the others and said, "Everyone close the team."

So they retreated one after another.

At the end of Gu You's departure, he thought for a while and asked tentatively: "My mother asked about you the day before yesterday. When do you think you have time, come to my house for dinner. She wants to see you."

"Your mother?" Lu Xiya took a while to react: "Did you tell them about me?"

"I was going to say that because the drug trafficking case was put on hold, it was she who asked about me... By the way, you may not know that she met you in the special care area of ​​the provincial private hospital. She said you gave She took the hot tea and drank it. At that time, she felt that you were very similar to... When I was a child, I asked Dean Zhong about your affairs, and then told me that I didn't want to hide this matter, so my parents and I both Straight up."

After hearing this, Lucia felt a strange feeling in her heart.

Gu You's parents are her grandparents, and she even has grandparents.

Thinking of the old woman in the hospital, coughing non-stop, looking haggard, it turned out that she was my grandmother.

Seeing that she was silent, Gu You didn't refuse immediately, which was already the best concession, so he didn't force her, and said, "Then I'm leaving, you should be careful."

"There is something I want to tell you." Lu Xiya gritted her teeth and said, "The person you are looking for is not Lan Yu, but his twin brother Lan Ying. He did everything."

Having said that, without Lan Yu's consent, she revealed this secret that had been hidden for 20 years to the world.

I just hope that I can help Lan Yu escape.

(End of this chapter)

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