Allure: The Man God's Love Wanted

Chapter 426 This love, this ambition will not change [Ending Chapter 102]

Chapter 426 This love, this ambition will not change [Ending Chapter 102]

So he pushed forward, Lu Xiya staggered, and stumbled towards Nie Jiajun.

Nie Jiajun couldn't help but stepped forward, took a few big steps forward, took Lu Xiya with one hand, and held her tightly in his arms.

In the midst of this flash, Lan Ying's sight was blocked by Lu Xiya.

But after Nie Jiajun stretched out his hand to pick up the person, he suddenly saw a white light flash, felt suffocated, and secretly screamed that something was wrong.

The hand holding the gun instinctively lifted up, pulled the trigger and shot at Lucia's back.

At the same time, he felt a chill in his neck and numb hands.


A bullet was fired from Lan Ying's gun, and then someone was hit, and blood flew out.

Nie Jiajun hugged Lu Xiya and quickly fell to the ground. When he fell down, Lan Ying stared at Niu Da's eyes and fell in front of them. His whole body was stiff and angry.

The other men couldn't figure it out for a while, it was obviously Lan Ying who shot Lu Xiya, why was he the one who fell down?
But regardless of 21, all the people took out their pistols and rushed forward to check the situation.

"Don't move, everyone don't move." The man in black who had been standing behind Lan Ying pointed a gun at the top of Lan Ying's head: "Whoever comes up will die."


Lu Xiya was stunned by the unpredictability of what happened in front of her eyes.

She heard gunshots, but her body didn't feel any pain. When she lay down, she clearly saw a few of Lan Ying's men turning their guns and pointing at Lan Ying.

Apart from internal strife, she couldn't think of any other reason.

Then two men set up Lan Ying, and another two men rushed forward to support Lan Yu beside them.

Lan Yu stood up, without the slightest surprise on her face, and took control of the situation quite naturally: "Everyone listen to me, I am Lan Yu, from now on, I will take over the Flame League again, and Lan Ying will be abolished. We all belong to our own position, there is no point in dying for him, I will not pursue the past, as long as you surrender sincerely."

Lu Xiya was shocked and overjoyed when she heard it, she wanted to struggle to stand up, and then hugged her tightly, but she didn't intend to let go.

"Hmm..." Her mouth was sealed with tape, she could only make a sound in her throat, and at the same time bumped into the man behind her with her body.

Nie Jiajun snorted and said, "Let me hug you again."

Lu Xiya dripped sweat: "..."

When the situation turned in an instant and everyone stood up, he actually chose to lie on the ground and play tricks.


Soon, without waiting for the 300 people to react, they jumped out from the dark corners. The heavily armed policemen and special forces, Gu You rushed forward first, followed by Bai Linglong.

Lan Ying, who was being held up, stared at Lu Xiya's direction, gnashing his teeth: "Nie Jiajun, what did you do to me?"

He spoke sharply, but his body was so stiff that he couldn't walk, and he was constantly twitching and twisting, unable to control himself.

The members of the Flame Alliance with guns were subdued by the police one by one.

At this time, everyone was dumbfounded. They didn't expect that they were already surrounded by groups. Fortunately, they didn't shoot impulsively just now to cause death.

One by one, they abandoned their weapons and surrendered, and were sent back to the police station to assist in the investigation.

Lan Yu continued to speak, regardless of past events, and would do everything in his power to release them on bail.

He motioned to the two men who were carrying Lan Ying to hand over the constantly shouting Lan Ying to Gu You.

Gu Youxin is not above Lan Ying, the most important thing now is naturally his daughter.

(End of this chapter)

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