Allure: The Man God's Love Wanted

Chapter 441 Lan Yu: Letting People Live [01]

Chapter 441 Lan Yu: Letting People Live [01]

blue house.

"Bai Linglong, do you have any integrity?" Lan Yu's roar resounded throughout the room.

The servant who was cleaning downstairs just smiled knowingly, and no one rushed upstairs to see what happened.

He just froze for a moment, then continued to work as if nothing had happened.

And Bai Linglong, who was standing at the door of the bathroom, stared at Lan Yu who was only wearing underwear, blinked and asked back: "What is rhythm... no, integrity?"

The veins on Lan Yu's forehead throbbed violently. After 20 years of growing them, it was the first time he experienced the feeling of being molested by stares.

And the person who was molesting him was just a 16-year-old stinky girl.

He thought, if he said one more word to her, he would surely die of anger.

For the sake of her own innocence, Lan Yu quickly pulled the towel and wrapped it around her lower body.

Then he noticed that her eyes moved from his little inner to his upper body - pectoral muscles.

Bai Linglong's 'obscene' eyes continued to have pink hearts, and she smiled shyly: "Hee hee, I didn't expect you to have a pretty good figure, ouch, you have six pack abs."

Lan Yu stepped forward and pushed the yellow-haired girl standing at the door: "Bai Linglong, do you have any shame? Get out."

"Hey, Lan Yu, why are you pushing him? Hey, I have something to tell you..." She was pushed unexpectedly, and her body staggered back a few steps.

Standing still a little, she hurried back, and at this moment, the door fell in front of her face, only a centimeter short of hitting the tip of her nose.

The savory door wind blew her bangs up.

She blinked her eyes and murmured: "Stingy, don't give me a second look. Hmph, I don't want to watch someone in the United States ask me to."

Bai Linglong walked back while holding the biscuit and complaining.


Lan Yu in the bathroom, after thinking about it for a while, put down the door lock and locked the bathroom door.

Just a little bit ago, he was completely seen by Bai Linglong who broke into the door, but luckily his underwear was still there.

This guy doesn't even know if he came from someone, and he appears by his side all the time, it's like a ghost asking for his life.

Now he doesn't even let him take a bath, he has no sense of shame.

In the past three months, Lan Yu has experienced the darkest and darkest days of his life.

Ever since Lan Ying was caught on the spot, and later sentenced to prison, and Lu Xiya's beautiful marriage into a wealthy family, she became Nie Jiajun's wife.

The gang was hit hard because of Lanying drug trafficking. The police took away a lot of people and a lot of information and went back to assist in the investigation. In this harsh environment, he once again took over the guild and shouldered the heavy responsibility of revitalizing the society. He was so busy every day that he was physically and mentally exhausted.

The news of Lu Xiya's marriage undoubtedly made his body and mind worse.

He likes her very much, from the first meeting to the later intercourse, she has left an indelible mark on his heart.

Once he tried to give up liking her, but later he couldn't help but want to be with her. He worked hard and fought for opportunities, but...

It's just that the falling flowers are intentional, and the flowing water is ruthless.

In Lu Xiya's heart, there is only one Nie Jiajun from the beginning to the end.

Because he wanted her to be happy, he promised her his love and let her find her own happiness.

There will always be pain, as long as he thinks of her, there will always be a needle in his heart that pricks his nerves.

(End of this chapter)

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