Allure: The Man God's Love Wanted

Chapter 445 Lan Yu: Letting People Live [05]

Chapter 445 Lan Yu: Letting People Live [05]

When Nie Jiajun heard that she was actually alienating their husband and wife, he immediately narrowed his eyes, which was extremely dangerous.

Seeing this, Lu Xiya was afraid that the outspoken Bai Linglong would compete with Nie Jiajun.

Nie Jiajun dotes on himself, he likes to watch how self-willed he is, if another woman scolds him, especially when it is about their relationship, he will not bear it.

This marriage did not come easily, and Nie Jiajun cared and cherished it very much. Whoever dares to destroy it will seek death.

She took Nie Jiajun's arm, and her voice was very soft: "Honey, can you help me go back to the room to get the lipstick?"

Nie Jiajun naturally knew that she wanted to get rid of him, so after thinking about it, he nodded and went up to the second floor.

As soon as he left, Bai Linglong rushed forward and grabbed her arm to redress her grievance: "Sister Ya, I'm so miserable, that guy Lan Yu scolded me and told me to get lost."

Lu Xiya had a headache, every time Bai Linglong looked for her, it must have something to do with Lan Yu.

However, Nie Jiajun didn't like to hear about Lan Yu the most, so she was in a dilemma.

She quickly glanced at the stairs, seeing that Nie Jiajun hadn't come down, she quickly dragged Bai Linglong's little hand, and the two of them walked out of the big room.

Standing outside, Lucia asked her: "What happened to you again?"

"I found out that his cell phone is full of your photos." Bai Linglong was very wronged, and said angrily, "In my opinion, it's all pornographic, there are many, many, and he is so precious that he won't even let me touch it." Touch, if you touch, tell me to get out."

As she said that, Bai Linglong's eyes turned red, and finally her mouth was flattened, with an expression of about to burst into tears.

Bai Linglong is not a bad person, but her thoughts are a bit simple, and she left her hometown and came to China, the first person she met was Lu Xiya.

And Lu Xiya has a very close relationship with Lan Yu, so Bai Linglong is naturally very dependent on her.

Lu Xiya also has a good impression of her. Back then, she regretted her marriage with Lan Yu, and she felt uncomfortable, but thinking of the ambiguity between Bai Linglong and Lan Yu, maybe they could develop a relationship.

Because of the guilt of letting down Lan Yu, she especially valued Bai Linglong, hoping that she could help Lan Yu get out of the emotional trauma.

Listening to it now, Lan Yu has repeatedly promised to delete her photos and videos, but now it seems that he has not done so.

He has been keeping his own things, does it mean that he still can't let go of himself?

Lucia couldn't help worrying and blaming herself.

It seems that Lan Yu cares more about himself than he imagined, but he is committed to himself and Nie Jiajun in this way.

She pulled Bai Linglong over, and gently patted her back to comfort her, but she got stuck in speaking again.

In fact, everything she said now seemed pale, because she was one of the parties involved.

"Okay, don't be angry, it's his fault when he scolds you, don't bother with him." Lu Xiya could only say this, after thinking about it, she changed the subject: "Come on, do you want to go to the concert with us?"

"What concert?"

"Eason Chan's."

"Who's here?"

"A pop star from Hong Kong."

"Alright then." Sure enough, Bai Linglong was easy to fool, and immediately forgot about the unhappiness just now.

After a while, Nie Jiajun came down from upstairs and handed the lipstick to Lu Xiya.

Lu Xiya told him that she wanted to take Bai Linglong to the concert, she thought he would definitely object, but unexpectedly the man agreed.

In fact, Eason Chan's concert, for Nie Jiajun and Bai Linglong who grew up in foreign countries, was not impressive or resonant.

(End of this chapter)

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