Allure: The Man God's Love Wanted

Chapter 447 Lan Yu: Letting People Live [07]

Chapter 447 Lan Yu: Letting People Live [07]

"What's wrong? You were originally a fiancé couple, but now you're just using your real names."

Seeing her swaying left and right, Nie Jiajun was unsure, and thought about adding heavier medicine: "Of course, if you don't like him, you can just don't take this medicine. You are a girl after all, and I don't want to force you to do this kind of medicine." thing."

As he spoke, he reached out and took it back from between her fingers.

Bai Linglong shrunk instinctively, tightening the medicine bag in her palm, the expression on her face changed a lot.

Nie Jiajun smiled: "Think about it for yourself."

With that said, he left gracefully.

★★Ye Xiwei's original "Youth Dancing: A Bad Girl Who Loves You"★★.
The next day, Bai Linglong left the Nie's villa.

Lu Xiya was also surprised: "I thought she would stay for a few days like last time."

Nie Jiajun said: "People are making small troubles, it's just for fun, there is no reason why they are really willing to leave."

Lu Xiya smiled: "It sounds like you are very envious, don't you want us to have a little trouble too?"

Nie Jiajun kissed her: "Honey, we are now entering another new stage, called the "Efforts to Create Humans Project."

Lucia's eyes widened: "So fast?"


After Bai Linglong returned to the Blue Mansion, she ran back to her bedroom and stuffed the pack of medicine in the drawer.

My heart was beating wildly, like a child doing bad things, uneasy and nervous.

Soon the butler came up and knocked on the door: "Miss, are you hungry, do you want to get you lunch?"

"No need." Bai Linglong thought for a while and then asked, "Where's Lan Yu?"

"Master, he's gone out and won't come back for dinner tonight."

"Oh, it's okay, go down and get busy."

"Yes, ma'am."

After the housekeeper left, Bai Linglong walked up and down the room, thinking about what to do.

If you don't come back for dinner, then make a supper for him. After eating, hehe...

But Lan Yu seems to have the habit of not eating supper, and if he rashly gives him supper, he will definitely be suspicious.

Make milk for him before going to bed?juice?Or doping his coffee?
Bai Linglong thought about it, and felt a little sleepy after thinking about it, so she collapsed on the bed and fell asleep.

She didn't know how long she had slept, when suddenly she heard voices coming from downstairs.

She woke up in a jerk, quickly ran to the terrace, looked down from above, and saw Lan Yu and the housekeeper standing downstairs.

The housekeeper said: "Miss has been stuck in the room since she came back. She didn't drink or eat. I don't know if she is sick?"

Lan Yu said: "She is more vigorous than a monkey, sick? How can she be so easy to get sick, you don't care about her, anyway, she will find something to eat when she is hungry."


"Go to sleep, it's useless for you to stay here."

"Yes, master." Then the two separated.

Lan Yu walked into the big house, while the butler went to the servants' quarters.

Bai Linglong tiptoed back to the bed and took out the medicine bag from the drawer.

The medicine package Nie Jiajun gave was small and wrapped in paper as big as a thumb. She opened it carefully, and there was a small white pill lying inside.

This white pill was like a demon, constantly jumping around in Bai Linglong's mind.

Hehe, give it to Lan Yu, after eating, he will be yours!
Hehe, give it to Lan Yu, after eating, he will be yours! !

Hehe, give it to Lan Yu, after eating, he will be yours! ! !
Bai Linglong gritted her teeth, and quickly ran out of the bedroom with the pill in her hand.

(End of this chapter)

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