Allure: The Man God's Love Wanted

Chapter 45 Laughing chapter, I like you? 【3】

Chapter 45 Joke, I like you? 【3】

"Dad, it's me, have you eaten yet?"

"Oh, it's Xiya, we've already eaten." Lu Wenbo was a little stunned: "Have you changed your phone number?"

"No, my phone... just happened to be out of battery. This is Klaus' phone." Lu Xiya paused, and asked directly: "Did Mu Lin call home?"

"I just called it, it's pretty good. I don't know how happy your mother is if you don't go home for dinner this week." Lu Wenbo's voice was cheerful, which was very different from yesterday's worries, and his words revolved around Lu Mulin: "He also said that you went to see him today. He was very happy to see you. He also said that he wanted to thank the third young master personally. By the way, will the third young master come over this week?"

"Well, yes." Lucia looked down at her right leg, feeling a little worried.

How will I explain the injury to my parents?
"That's good. I remember you said that the third young master likes to eat seafood. How about we get some fish, shrimp and crabs for cooking. I think the crabs won't be too expensive at this time."

"Dad, you don't need to buy too many vegetables. He doesn't eat much." Mom and Dad's life has always been very tight, and they often choose cheap ones when they buy vegetables.

Save money on food and clothing, and give all the rest of the money to my younger brother, and always leave the best things to him.

If Zhou Wei eats this meal too hard, most of the parents will only eat vegetables and rice in the next few days.

The last thing she wants to see is for her parents to be mean to her.

"It's one thing to eat more and eat less. The third young master has helped us, so we must thank him well." Lu Wenbo blamed him for being an ignorant daughter.

Lu Xiya quickly said yes, and his mood improved after hearing this: "Your mother likes the third young master very much, and wants to chat with him more, then... you guys come back earlier this week."

"Well, we will."

While hanging up the line, a young man walked out from the VIP room opposite, with a cigarette stick in his mouth and a lighter in his hand.

The movement of lighting the fire stopped when he saw Lu Xiya, and then put it down, while looking at the plaster cast on her leg.

Biting the cigarette that was too late to light, he asked ruffianically, "Are you okay?"

"Very good." She raised her right leg.

The short dark blue hair, in the dim light of the corridor, has a very charming beauty.

He is very different from Nie Jiajun, his aristocratic air is very light, and some of them are full of air.

"Cut." He sneered, picked up the lighter and lit the cigarette.

Lu Xiya didn't have a good impression of him, but she didn't want to fuss with him because he personally sent her to the hospital.

Turning around and going back, the moment she pushed the door, Lan Yu behind her said nonchalantly: "Your bag is with me."

She turned around, a little incredulous: "Why are you there?"

Try to recall whether he was still holding her bag when he took her into the hospital that day and hugged her.

The answer seems to be no.

"I asked someone to pick it up." Lan Yu seemed to see through her thoughts: "It's in my car now, do you want it?"

"Yes." Although her cosmetic bag and mobile phone are not worth much, she would be reluctant to buy them again.

If you can take it back, you will naturally take it back.

Although Nie Jiajun's supplementary card has a large limit, she always feels embarrassed, and usually tries not to spend the money in the card, so she doesn't spend too much.

She owed him too much, like a snowball rolling down from the top of a mountain, getting bigger and bigger, afraid that she might not be able to repay it in the future.

Besides, she was used to being poor and knew that earning money was not easy.

(End of this chapter)

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