Allure: The Man God's Love Wanted

Chapter 459 Linglong: I want to marry a good man [09]

Chapter 459 Linglong: I want to marry a good man [09]

"It's useless to say these things now. We are lucky that Baihutang didn't trouble us."

"I heard that the Baihutang didn't invade us suddenly, because for the sake of the boss's friends, I think we are too dissatisfied, and only focus on internal fighting, hey..."

The situation reversed, and Ai Hu's complexion became more and more ugly, and finally turned pale.

Lan Yu put her hands in her pockets, watching everyone's reactions, her face remained calm, her jet-black eyes turned to Bai Linglong who was standing silently.

The little girl stood obediently and looked at him. When he made eye contact with her, she blinked but did not speak.

Her eyes are pure and clean, with innocence and innocence, like a quiet little angel guarding her side.

Suddenly, for a moment, Lan Yu felt troubled and found a trace of stability.

He has never been a aggressive person, and his parents have always had high expectations. They hope that he can sit in this position, hope that he can restrain Lan Ying, and hope that he can be even better.

In fact, he is lazy, he doesn't want to do anything, he just wants to be an ordinary student.

So when he met Lu Xiya, who jumped over the wall, picked up the wallet, and lived wantonly like that, his heart was full of envy and yearning.

He wished he could leave everything behind and live as casually as she did.

Of course, with the deepening of his understanding, he realized how tired Lu Xiya was, being dragged down by the Lu family.

But even then, she has a firm belief in her heart, and she will work hard to earn money for her family, without complaint or regret.

It's a pity that such a beautiful girl is not his.


All of a sudden, Lan Yu didn't want to stand here anymore, worrying about the infighting between these gangs.

She raised her head towards Bai Linglong, turned and left without saying a word.

Bai Linglong hurriedly followed.

When the others saw this, they all yelled, Young Master Yu, where have you been?No meeting yet?
The only response to them was a wave of hands.

After leaving the main hall, he took her to drive on the road, followed the main road, and finally left the city center.

There are very few vehicles outside the effect, and apart from the sound of music in the car, there is only the sound of the wind blowing in.

I have a sports car, running desperately in the sun.

The car stopped halfway up the mountain, facing the sun that was beginning to slant westward, Lan Yu leaned against the car door, took out a cigarette and smoked.

Bai Linglong, who was sitting in the car, was a little hungry, looking at his back pitifully.

She wanted to tell him that they hadn't had lunch yet, that her stomach was missing good Chinese food.

But since Lan Yu pinched her unconscious, she didn't dare to be too presumptuous in front of him, for fear that he couldn't help pinching her again.

Between being hungry and fearing her life, she chose to be hungry.

Suddenly, Lan Yu turned around, looked at her and asked, "Why didn't you fight back just now?"

"Huh?" Bai Linglong looked up blankly.

Lan Yu's tone was displeased: "Aren't you good at kung fu? Don't you have a knife on you? When Zhao San arrested you just now, why didn't you resist?"

Bai Linglong was forced to speak hoarsely by Lan Yu's three questions in a row. She blinked her eyes, and it took a long time before she realized: "I, I think..."

Lan Yu narrowed her eyes and looked at her: "You won't be fooled by me, you don't know how to react."

"I didn't." She widened her eyes and retorted angrily, "I did it because... I didn't want to embarrass you."

He was stunned and frowned: "Is there anything that can embarrass me?"

(End of this chapter)

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