Allure: The Man God's Love Wanted

Chapter 47 Laughing chapter, I like you? 【5】

Chapter 47 Joke, I like you? 【5】

"one person?"

"No, with the alumni."

"The one who climbed the wall?"

Lu Xiya sweated, and felt that Nie Jiajun's sixth inspiration was extremely accurate: "Don't keep thinking about these two words, okay?"

How do you feel that the husband is catching the wife who is cheating on her?
"When you stop climbing the wall, I will naturally not miss it."

"I won't dare anymore, please forgive me."

"Okay then, come back quickly."

"As ordered."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Xiya didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and stuffed her broken mobile phone back into her bag, holding Nie Jiajun's mobile phone in her hand, raised her head and said to Lan Yu who was looking at her, "Let's go."

Ever since they started dating, the two of them always liked to tease each other, and she didn't think there was anything wrong with talking a lot.

However, what she said just now fell into Lan Yu's ears with a different flavor.

In his eyes, Lucia is not that kind of docile and obedient little woman.

From her unruly eyes and flickering expression, it can be seen that she has an independent and strong personality, alert and cunning, even fickle and disguised, and flexible.

The real her should be like the ruffian girls he had seen, free from the control of others, and like to act against the sky.

"Really rushing back to return to life?" He couldn't help laughing.

"Yes." She ignored him and walked back with the wheelchair by remote control.

Lan Yu took the first step, turned off the switch of the wheelchair with a snap, and stood in front of her, looking down at her: "What's so good about him?"

Hearing this, she was stunned for a moment, her gaze stayed on his handsome face, a little confused.

The light in the underground parking garage is sufficient, reflecting every subtle expression on his face, and the rigid and shapely contours of his face outline a rebellious and wild personality.

Men are dangerous and aggressive.

Unlike Nie Jiajun's restrained gentlemanly demeanor, the man in front of him is more flamboyant.

She didn't answer, and he held her wheelchair with his left and right hands, facing her face to face, close to her, trapping her in his wheelchair.

He said: "It's just a good-looking kid from a rich family. What do you like about him? The appearance that can be used as a vase? Or the rich family background?"

What he said was a bit insulting, whether he was referring to her or Nie Jiajun.

In an instant, Lu Xiya's face was ugly, her unyielding chin was raised, and she said clearly: "It has nothing to do with you."

When she said these three words, her eyes were burning with raging anger, and she looked back at him unscrupulously.

When she came out to work at the age of seven or eight, what kind of person had she never met?
Especially rebellious bad boys like Lan Yu, they love to be self-righteous and think they know everything.

In fact, they don't understand anything at all.

If you have money and backing, you can run amok without hindrance, and if you get into trouble, you will be followed by rich parents to clean up the mess, and you will never worry about food and drink.

How could she know what she wanted, what she endured in her life, what she longed for?
Money is not her ultimate desire.

Family affection is what she wants.

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something: "How much living expenses does he give you?"

Lu Xiya's face became more and more ugly, she lowered her head and stared at the palm on the front of the wheelchair: "Let go."

"I would like to know what you are worth." He believed that she committed herself to Nie Jiajun for money.

"I'll say it again, let go." The good feelings he had for sending her to the hospital were completely shattered at this moment.

"Do you dare to say that you are not being taken care of by him?" The man was overbearing and oppressed.

(End of this chapter)

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