Allure: The Man God's Love Wanted

Chapter 50 The Broken Foot While Climbing the Wall 【01】

Chapter 50 The Broken Foot While Climbing the Wall 【01】

This... my brother did it on purpose.

It must have been intentional.

Deliberately get a maid outfit that matches his figure.

Lu Xiya laughed happily, and the coffee in her hand overflowed several times.

With a flick, he threw off the maid uniform in his hand, grabbed the phone and called Nie Xichen.

Nie Xichen seemed to be waiting for his phone, answered it as soon as it rang, and said in horror as soon as he heard it: "Are you fit?"

"Old brother." A certain handsome man gritted his teeth.

Nie Xichen was the only one who could make the third young master of the Nie family collapse.

"It seems that I really like it." Nie Xichen's voice was low and sexy, and both men and women would feel comfortable and beautiful when they heard it, and would be intoxicated and longing for it.

But at this moment, Nie Jiajun has the urge to mute it.

The fingers pinching the phone, with distinct joints, trembled almost invisible, and his good gentlemanly demeanor made him try his best to control himself: "Brother, I want a maid, not a maid uniform."

For the sanitation of the house, the third young master Nie felt that if he couldn't bear it, he would make a big conspiracy. Who made him ask his elder brother now.

But Lu Xiya was very shameless, with her little face held high, she continued to laugh unscrupulously.

He glared at her, signaling her not to laugh too much.

Nie Xichen on the other end said calmly: "My maid can't be spoiled by you, you'd better take the maid uniform."

"What do I want a maid suit for?" Is it for mopping the floor?

"Pretend as a maid and clean up." She suggested in a teasing tone.


"It can satisfy your beast sex." added.


"Oh, by the way, there are two sets in it, one for you and one for your Xiaoya, couple outfits, don't thank me."

"..." Whoever wants to thank you, strangles you to death.

"Too excited, aren't you? I heard from my third aunt that you love this flavor." Nie Xichen smiled maliciously: "Suppress~subdue~tempt~temptation."

Finally Young Master Nie hung up, Nie Jiajun threw the phone on the sofa, fell down, and said in big characters: "Shit."

He was overwhelmed with anger, and had to lighten his anger.

Because of the long-term residence in a foreign country, there are not many opportunities to contact my elder brother and second child.

But the descendants of the Nie family valued family ties, and they might meet less often, but they never blocked their brotherhood.

Although they are cousins, their relationship is better than brothers.

Since he returned to China, the elder brother and the second elder brother love to find fault with him, and make some ridiculous things from time to time.

The eldest brother has profound skills and high skills, and he can act as if nothing happened after teasing others.

He can't, his upbringing made him unable to let go, and he never made a gaffe.

And the eldest brother and the second brother love to pick on him.

Big Brother managed to bring him down today.


Lu Xiya put the clothes on him, which meant that his injury was not deep enough and added two feet: "Xiao Junjun, it's time for cleaning, good boy, don't be lazy."

He turned his face sideways, glanced at her fiercely, his face was red and white angrily: "You come to bully me too."

"I didn't bully you." She moved her position, pressed against his thigh, and poked it with her fingers, dancing like playing a piano: "It's too late for me to hurt you, so how could I bully you."

She spoke in a soft, gentle voice, blinking her eyes hard, with an innocent expression.

Nie Jiajun was most impressed by the little girl who fell in love with her, and his spirits were lifted. He sat up and wanted to hug her in his arms, and bit her hard to vent his anger.

(End of this chapter)

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