Allure: The Man God's Love Wanted

Chapter 54 The Broken Foot While Climbing the Wall 【05】

Chapter 54 The Broken Foot While Climbing the Wall 【05】

Entered the house in Lumulin's surprise.

A man who was more beautiful than a woman gently put her on the old sofa. Lu Mulin closed the door and shouted into the room: "Dad, sister and brother Jun are here."

"Oh, you're here?" Lu Wenbo came out of the kitchen and was startled when he saw the plaster on Lu Xiya's feet: "Hey, what's going on here?"

"I fell down." Lu Xiya replied before Nie Jiajun, and at the same time glanced at the man, and continued with some guilt: "I ran too fast when I went downstairs, hehe, I broke my foot, hehe."

Nie Jiajun frowned in disapproval, but he didn't expose her lie.

What was rare was that Lu Wenbo actually believed it, and didn't ask any further questions. He just said, "My daughter's family shouldn't be too rude. When you walk, you have to walk properly."

Lucia was taught and nodded vigorously: "Yes."

"Your mother hasn't come back from shopping for groceries, Mu Lin, hurry up and pour tea for your sister and the third young master. Third young master, please sit down." Lu Wenbo has a simple and honest nature, seeing Nie Jiajun being polite and cramped, the sofa and the table were originally It has been wiped clean, and there is nothing to do at the moment, so I quickly picked up a dry rag and wiped it again.

Fortunately, Nie Jiajun was different from Nie Xichen, who had a serious obsession with cleanliness. He didn't think it was dirty, so he just smiled and sat next to Lu Xiya generously, saying politely, "Uncle Bo, sit down too."

"Okay, okay." After Lu Wenbo sat down, he was so nervous that he didn't know where to put his hands and feet. He put them on his knees for a while, and put them by his side for a while.

Lu Xiya saw it, and handed over the food box in her hand: "When we came, we saw that the roast goose at the street corner was good, so we bought some."

"Let me take a look." Lu Wenbo opened it and looked, and found that there were two big boxes: "It is indeed well-cooked, very fragrant, ouch, and foie gras and foie sausage, I bought too much, how can I eat it?" ?”

"Suddenly I want to eat so much, so I buy too much. Dad, call Mom and ask her to buy less food, otherwise it will be too wasteful."

"Okay, okay." Lu Wenbo stood up quickly, carried the cooked food into the kitchen, and called his wife at the same time.

Seeing Lu Mulin beside him, he winked and smiled: "Sister is saving money for parents."

Lucia glared at him and said softly, "Shut up."

Nie Jiajun leaned on the sofa, half-closed his blue eyes, unable to see any emotion.

Soon, Lu Mulin ran away quickly, and Lu Wenbo came back after making the phone call.

She asked, "Dad, don't you have to go to work today?"

"I asked for leave on purpose today. I knew you would come. I wanted to make soup for you to drink. Your mother's cooking skills are not as good as mine." I knew it was an honest person when I heard it.

"Well, I like to eat the dishes cooked by Dad the most." Someone pretended to be good.

Nie Jiajun glanced at her, thoughtful.

Lu Mulin came out with two cups of tea and put them on the table in front of Lu Xiya and Nie Jiajun respectively: "The tea is hot, drink it later."

"We're not thirsty, and we're not in a hurry." Lu Xiya waved to her younger brother: "Mu Lin, come and sit here, my sister has something to ask you."

"Oh." Lu Mulin sat obediently beside her: "Sister, you ask."

"Is there someone named Gu Yayan in your class?"

"Yes, sister, do you know her?" Lu Mulin was surprised.

"Is she a woman?"

"Well, girl."

"Not a shemale?"

"Sister..." dripping sweat.

The two siblings were chatting here, while Lu Wenbo sat beside Nie Jiajun, and began to chat without saying a word, but it seemed boring.

(End of this chapter)

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