Allure: The Man God's Love Wanted

Chapter 6 The so-called Noble School【06】

Chapter 6 The so-called Noble School【06】

After finishing speaking, she raised her right hand and bent her five fingers into a fist shape. The crackling sound of her joints was crisp and sweet.

The trio, who were about to block the way abruptly, backed up and backed up in fright, dripping with sweat.

clap clap.

There was a sound of applause, and then a handsome and beautiful boy walked out from behind the crowd of onlookers.

He is handsome and elegant, giving people a clean and quiet feeling, and there are also a few students behind him.

There are men and women, among which a woman wearing a suspender skirt is the most prominent, dazzling and shining like a pearl in the dark.

The man wore glasses on his face, shining in the sunlight, a radiance hidden under his gentle appearance.

He came to Lucia and smiled, "If I'm not wrong, you should be the new transfer student Lucia, right Lucia."

"Hmm." Lu Xiya's tightly pressed lips moved, and then moved again, like the slow motion of chewing.

She also looked at the other party, thinking of Fu Mingxuan that Lan Xin had said.

Melissa College's Student Council President.

This person's height, body shape and appearance match, I am afraid it is him.

Sure enough, the other party introduced himself: "Hello, I am Fu Mingxuan, the president of the student union. Yesterday the principal gave me your information, and I will show you around the school and familiarize yourself with the environment."

The [-]th anniversary of the founding of Melissa College has a good teaching environment and a good tradition.

Of course, this tradition is just the beginning, and the designated staff will lead the new students to familiarize themselves with everything in the school.

One-on-one sessions for one week.

From the next year, the senior students will lead the freshmen, and this will be passed on endlessly.

Since Lu Xiya transferred to another school halfway and the freshman semester had passed, she specially assigned the task to the student union.

In view of her special status, the headmaster ordered him to take her to inspect the school himself.

Lucia let out an oh, and continued to chew the chewing gum in her mouth.

With a carefree look and a perfunctory attitude, he doesn't take the person in front of him seriously at all.

Fu Mingxuan thought for a while, and then said: "Why don't you take you to the teaching building and dormitory first, well, I remember you have a class in the morning, but I have already asked for class leave for you, so there is no need to rush there."

"Dormitory?" Lu Xiya raised her eyebrows, and finally changed her hands crossing her chest, and opened them to show everyone that she had nothing. no."

"The school expressly stipulates that students in the school must live on campus." Gao Meizi, who was thrown to the ground by her, grinned and yelled when she found a vacant seat: "It's okay not to live on campus, you get out immediately."

"Li Rui." The girl in the suspender skirt standing beside Fu Mingxuan shouted, her voice was not loud, but very majestic.

Li Rui, the tall girl, was suddenly short and silent.

Seeing more and more people watching, Fu Mingxuan proposed: "Let's find a place to sit down and talk."

Lan Xin said that the Fu family and the Nie family have a long history of friendship, and Nie Xichen and Fu Mingxuan are old acquaintances. After transferring to another school, he will cover you, so don't worry.

In view of this, Lucia nodded in agreement.


Student Council meeting room.

A group of people sat down, and Lu Xiya looked at them one by one.

The tall, short and strong trio who were the first to intercept her stood behind the girl in the suspender skirt, while Fu Mingxuan and the girl sat opposite her, sitting upright and elegant, with a good temperament.

There were also a few people who followed, but they were dismissed by Fu Mingxuan.

(End of this chapter)

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