Allure: The Man God's Love Wanted

Chapter 60 Why Care About Her Words Too Much [05]

Chapter 60 Why Care About What She Says Too Much 【05】

Lu Xiya's heart was raised to the throat, and she couldn't react for a while, she just answered instinctively: "I..."

The man's beautiful lips were lifted up, so seductive: "You don't know how to play the guitar, so you use it to pretend to be cool?"

Her heart sank, her eyes flickered, and she nodded with a strange expression: "Hehe, I was discovered by you."

"Actually, it's nothing, you don't have to be embarrassed, I won't tell others." He tapped the tip of her nose, pampering her to the extreme.

"Heh, heh." She smiled unnaturally.

Nie Jiajun's eyes shifted, calm and composed: "It seems like I haven't heard you play the piano for a long time."

"If you want to hear it, I'll play it for you when I get back."


"You're going to teach me how to make coffee."

"it is good."

His eyes fell on the drawers in the table, thinking for a while, he was about to open his mouth to speak tentatively, but suddenly he didn't want to ask any more.

The junior high school classmates five years ago kept their photos and guitars, and taught her to play the piano well.

Childhood sweetheart! ?
It shouldn't be as simple as just friends.


During dinner, Qiao Ying talked a lot, saying a lot of flattering things.

Nie Jiajun deserves to be educated by the nobility. Although he didn't like it very much in his heart, he didn't show it on his face and kept smiling.

Later, Lu Wenbo and Lu Mulin couldn't take it anymore, and stopped her talking repeatedly.

Nie Jiajun ate very little food, but he was always a guest, so he praised it generously.

After the meal, they got together again, watched boring TV shows, and chatted about household miscellaneous topics.

After nine o'clock, Nie Jiajun got up to leave. He said, "It's getting late, we have to leave. Xiaoya's school has a gate control. It's not good to go back late."

After Lu Xiya said this, he remembered that he was a 'resident student'.

In line with Nie Jiajun's words, he stood up on one foot: "Mom and Dad, I'm going back to school first."

Knowing that they were living together, Lu Mulin stood behind his parents, smiling wickedly, and after being stared at by his sister, he quickly said in a serious manner, "Sister, remember to call back when you go back to the dormitory."

The strength of his speech was focused on the words "after returning to the dormitory". After hearing this, Nie Jiajun and Lu Xiya naturally understood his teasing, but the Lu couple heard another meaning.

Lu Wenbo thought for a while, and felt a little bit reluctant: "Why don't you go back to school tonight and stay at home, where you still have a bed."

Qiao Ying's face changed after hearing this, and she stopped her: "How can this be done? Both children have grown up, so it's not good to live in the same room."

Lu Mulin laughed loudly, and winked at the two of them again: "I don't care, they are brothers and sisters anyway."

As soon as Lu Xiya opened her mouth, Qiao Ying said again: "What kind of siblings... I mean, even siblings have to be scruples. You have all grown up, and it is inconvenient for a man and a woman."

Nie Jiajun frowned inaudibly.

Lu Mulin was very uncomfortable after hearing this, and muttered and retorted: "How inconvenient."

Lu Wenbo also said: "They have been in the same room since they were young, how inconvenient it can be."

Without waiting for her husband and son to say anything, she turned and glared at them: "Don't talk too much, it's inconvenient if I say it's inconvenient, Xi Ya is a girl..., Xi Ya, do you think so?"

Her attitude was very resolute, and even seemed to drive away the guests, and everyone present was taken aback.

Especially Lu Xiya's face was the most embarrassing and ugly, and her heart sank.

(End of this chapter)

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