Allure: The Man God's Love Wanted

Chapter 65 A Very Simple Character 【04】

Chapter 65 A Very Simple Character 【04】

Principal Melissa turns to coax her.

She acted both hard and soft, and soon Fu Mingzhu calmed down under her comfort, but she didn't dare to say anything, and poked the rice hard with her chopsticks.

"Let's eat, everyone, let's eat." The well-faced principal called out to encourage everyone.

Don't take the riot just now in your eyes at all.

Fu Mingzhu stared at Lu Xiya fiercely, feeling unwilling to do so, but she didn't dare to talk any more, picked up the rice in her bowl, and didn't even drink the soup.

Melissa gave her a piece of meat: "Your favorite sea fish, eat more."

Then I took a piece for my son, and in the end I even gave Lucia a piece.

Lu Xiya was flattered, and quickly reached out to take it from the bowl: "Thank you, Principal Mei."

His eyes darkened, his attitude restrained, he lowered his head and concentrated on cooking rice, no longer responding to Fu Mingzhu's glare.

After a meal, Melissa frequently picked up food for everyone, but the three of them had a good understanding, only caring about the rice, thinking about something in their hearts.

The consequence of only caring about the plain rice is that the meal is eaten surprisingly quickly.

Lu Xiya was thinking about the agreement with Mu Lin, so she patted her butt to avoid people after she was full.

Naturally, Fu Mingzhu stared fiercely at her again, but she didn't mind. After saying goodbye to the principal, she went straight to the cafeteria.

There were not many students in the cafeteria, and it was almost the end of the day, with a few people sitting sparsely.

After looking around, she couldn't find Lu Mulin. She took out her mobile phone from her trouser pocket and found two missed calls.

One is Lu Mulin and the other is Nie Jiajun.

After the phone was broken last time, she spent more than 100 yuan to ask the maintenance master to repair the screen, so her phone continued to serve her hard.

"Sister." Lu Mulin called out as soon as he answered the phone: "Why don't you come to eat? I've been waiting for you for a long time."

"I'm sorry, I forgot to turn my phone on silent, and I didn't turn it back after I got up in the morning." After she explained something, she asked him anxiously, "Have you eaten yet?"

"I ate. I just returned to the dormitory. Sister, are you in school now?"

"I'm still in school, but I don't have classes in the afternoon. Hey, I can go home and play online games." She sat down in the cafeteria and rubbed her sore right ankle.

I walked too much today, and my fine feet are starting to wear out.

"Brother Jun won't scold you?"

"He also likes to play and doesn't scold." Lu Xiya thought for a while: "Come to our place for dinner after school. What do you want to eat? I will cook myself."

"Really? I haven't eaten my sister's cooking for a long time. I miss you so much, it bad? Your foot hasn't healed yet."

"Just cook two dishes, not tired, come on, I'll wait for you to come over for dinner."

"Okay, then I'll go directly after school."

"Call a taxi, and my sister will reimburse you for the fare."


She has learned that the community has a wide area. If you take a bus, you have to get off at the gate of the community, and then walk around the community for half an hour.

The premise is not to get lost in the same greenery.

Last morning when she broke her foot, she roamed around the community for more than an hour, and she learned a lot.

If you take a taxi, you can drive into the car-only lane in the community and park directly under their residential building.

Save time and worry.

After talking like this for a while, after Lu Xiya hung up the phone, the phone rang again.

She looked at the English name on it, and the corners of her mouth raised unconsciously: "Nie Meinan, how are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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