Allure: The Man God's Love Wanted

Chapter 85 Don't Regret [06]

Chapter 85 Don't Regret [06]

Or maybe it was the person who took her wallet, but she found out, the wallet was no longer in their hands, and now they were just a smoke screen.

At that moment, the girl's head turned sideways, and Lucia saw her neutral face.

A name appeared in the blink of an eye.

Gu Yayan.

is her!

Just such a person, her hand suddenly stretched out.

Without anyone noticing, she grabbed the thief who passed by, and the black LV wallet fell into her hand.

The shoulder bag is one block, and the wallet is casually hidden inside the shoulder bag.

The thieves continued to move forward, and she continued to move forward, and the two went in opposite directions.

Her technique was faster and more accurate, but she knew that the other party would soon find out that the wallet was missing, and the first person to suspect would be the person who passed him by.

There are many people on the other side, and on their territory, she didn't dare to hesitate to think too much, so she stepped forward quickly and patted Gu Yayan on the shoulder: "Sister, what a coincidence."

Gu Yayan turned her head in amazement, looked at her, her face turned pale and blue, "You..., it's you...."

"What are you, let's go." She was half a head taller than Gu Yayan, hugging her neck and dragging her to run away.

"You, what are you doing, let go..." Gu Yayan blushed and struggled.

Just as they were tugging at each other, all the people around suddenly dispersed, running fast one by one.

Lu Xiya subconsciously felt that something big happened, and in this case... most of them encountered the police.

Sure enough, when she looked over, every one of her fellow thieves who had been stared at by her just now was being chased and tried to escape.

Those who fled did not choose their own way, including main roads, flower gardens, subway stations, overpasses, etc. Naturally, some escaped, while others were pinned to the ground.

Gu Yayan took off the earphones on his head, touched his bag, and found that there was something missing in it, so he didn't make a fuss.

After that, she walked towards the nearest group of people.

A thin man took out his ID card from his waist and said coldly: "Police, I suspect that you stole other people's property, and now I want to detain you for questioning, don't move."

The thief who was pinned to the ground shouted: "What evidence do you have? Sir, wronged a good man, Sir wronged a good man..."

The policeman slapped him on the back of the head and scolded fiercely: "What's your name? Our operation has been carefully planned, and there are cameras monitoring the whole process. The evidence is solid. Do you still want to deny it? You want to die."

Having said that, the thief was so angry that his neck turned red.

Then one after another the prisoners were escorted back: "Captain, it's bad, I can't find my wallet..."

"Have you searched clearly? Have you caught them all?" Hearing that, the skinny policeman's face was as black as ink, and he handed over the prisoner in his hand to his teammates, looking around at everyone present.

Catching thieves in the street, and catching them so happily, the passers-by naturally gathered around to watch.

"Report to the captain, all the suspects have been captured."

"You fucking, search again, will the good wallet fly away?"

Lu Xiya followed Gu Yayan, and when she heard what they said, she suddenly felt that the hand holding the LV was hot, and she wanted to cut off her own hand.

Your sister, unexpectedly she met the police~ the police caught a thief, and it was such a large-scale operation.

Now it's all right, I'll show my kindness and quickly pick up the wallet.

Hehe, the stolen goods are in her hands, they must think she is involved.

Heart, beating fast.

God, she has a record at the police station.

(End of this chapter)

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