Allure: The Man God's Love Wanted

Chapter 93 I want to get married [03]

Chapter 93 I want to get married [03]

Nie Jiajun raised his hand, beckoning him to add a chair.

At the small dining table, Nie Jiajun and Lu Xiya were sitting face to face, but now Fu Mingzhu sat down, just separated from their left side.

So Fu Mingzhu has Nie Jiajun on the left and Lu Xiya on the right.

She was happy that the time and place were right, and she thought that God arranged for her to meet him today, and since the handsome guy is so talkative, he must be equally interested in herself.

When waiting to come over, Nie Jiajun moved his chair and sat on the left of Lu Xiya, and the beautiful man who was close at hand turned into a distant stare.

He left his original seat for Melissa: "I've always wanted to thank her, but I didn't expect to have this opportunity today. I don't know if she can have a meal with her."

Fu Mingzhu's smile froze on her face, and she couldn't hold it back.

The handsome man had an amiable and charming smile on his face, but his words were not vague at all, his mouth was full of mother, and he didn't mention himself in a word.

Look again, Nie Jiajun's right hand was placed on the table, naturally holding Lu Xiya's little hand, caressing and playing with it naturally.

She struggled but did not break away, and let him hold it like that.

Lu Xiya is not good at reading, but she is not stupid, so she can hear what Nie Jiajun is saying.

You can't help squinting at him, you know the times, and you didn't hook up with others in front of her, otherwise you would have been trained a lot when you went back.

Others can, but only Fu Mingzhu can't.

She doesn't like this proud peacock.

No matter how coquettish or flirtatious her family Nie Jiajun is, he can't just go after her alumni.

At this moment, there was a low voice of surprise: "Sia? Why are you here?"

"Principal Mei." Lu Xiya stood up with a wry smile.

At the same time, when she saw the handsome man behind Melissa, Fu Mingxuan raised his eyebrows at her as a greeting.

"What a coincidence." It was the third mother and son of the Fu family, and it was lunch time again.

She discovered that she had a 'fate' with the three of them, and lunch.

Could it be that for the next four years, she would have to have lunch with the third mother and son surnamed Fu on the day of class?

The lovers' dining table at the four corners naturally cannot meet the needs of five people.

So switch tables.

Turning the table is the best for Fu Mingzhu, the seats are reshuffled, and there is a chance to be side by side with the handsome guy.

They want a box with a rectangular table, which should be on the side of Nie Jiajun and Lu Xiya, and on the side of Fu's mother and son.

But Lu Xiya underestimated Miss Fu's shame too much, and she sat on their side as a matter of course.

Sticking to her evildoer, the other two members of the Fu family didn't even hum.

So Lu Xiya's belly turned red: It really is her own, with thick skin.

Thinking of Melissa's perverted hobby, like asking her to go to the principal's office for lunch, she could only feel angry in her heart, not daring to express it in person.

She was afraid that she would really be watched by Principal Mei in the future and would accompany her to eat every day.

Not worth the loss.

After everyone was courteous, the mother and son of the Fu family also ordered their share of steak.

There are too many people, and now the red wine is not afraid of being overwhelmed.

In front of Principal Melissa, Lucia was very docile, she lowered her head shyly, looking at her heart without squinting.

Minimize your presence, and please don't ask her for dinner in the future.

Obviously, her sense of presence was not low enough. After returning the menu card to the waiting list, Principal Melissa asked her directly: "Sia, I called you just now, why didn't you answer?"

(End of this chapter)

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