The wealthy and wealthy petite wife

Chapter 102 7 years later

Chapter 102 Seven Years Later (6)

And she herself has already seen through it, she loves this man, but she also knows that this man has only one person in his heart, and there may be countless women around him, but none of those women can enter his heart, the one he loves She was in love with only that one person, and this time, when he came back, Shangguanmin also vaguely knew why, because Zitong's life and death were unknown seven years ago, so she was afraid that when he came back, he would find that everyone was lying to him, but now But she was afraid that Zitong didn't die and didn't contact everyone, and now what's the purpose of her coming back?
Is it for revenge on the Shangguan family?She suddenly thought of her brother, the man who had been suffering because of the loss of his sister, the man who was forced to stay in the Shangguan family because of his sense of responsibility, suddenly at this moment she realized that she was very selfish, how could she be so selfish because of her own happiness? How could everyone be hurt like this and let his beloved brother live in pain for the rest of his life?
Now that she is back, she will take on the mistakes she made, she will find Zitong to apologize to her and beg her to come back, and she will give her everything she has lost as long as she has, including her most love man.

Nangongya has been very silent since he got on the plane to China. In fact, what everyone doesn't know is how frightened he is. It has been seven years, and he can't bear it anymore. He loves her and misses her all the time. He remembered all her dreams and smiles, and remembered all her preferences, and only then did he realize how much he loved her.

As for Yu Xinmeng, he kept her by his side only because this woman looked a bit like the person he remembered, but now he found that it was a mistake, she was nothing like her.

Sitting in the car, Nangongya suddenly turned his gaze to Shangguanmin who had been silent all this time and asked, "Has Zitong been in contact with Ziqi all these years?"

Shangguanmin shook her head, but there was still some surprise in her eyes. She always thought that this man would not ask about Zitong, but she did not expect that he not only asked, but also in front of Yu Xinmeng.As soon as Yu Xinmeng heard the name Zitong, she had never heard of it before, and she didn't use her brain to think about what questions to ask, and she didn't know how to observe people's faces, so she opened her mouth and asked, "Ya, who is Zitong."

Nangongya gave her a cold look, and then said in a gloomy tone: "Don't care about your business, don't ask."

When Yu Xinmeng heard this, her face immediately became aggrieved, and her voice choked up: "Nangongya, how could you treat me like this, we are going to get married."

As soon as Yu Xin finished talking about Nangongya's dream, her expression changed: "Who will marry you?"

Then why didn't you refute when I told the reporter about getting married just now. "Yu Xinmeng continued to ask without giving up.

"That's me giving you face, do you really think I will marry you?" Nangongya said coldly.

As soon as Yu Xinmeng heard that her temper was up, she slapped Nangongya's face with a slap: "You bastard, I'll give you everything, why don't you marry me, my daddy won't let you go."

"Your daddy?" Nangongya sneered: "Is that your daddy? It can only be said to be your stepfather, you and him have no blood relationship, and I heard that he is trying to find her recently Your own daughter, isn't it, this is also one of the reasons why you came back in such a hurry this time."

(End of this chapter)

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