Chapter 123

Sure enough, as soon as Xiyue closed the door, the sound of the door being knocked came from outside the door. She patted her heart lightly, and Xiyue smiled lightly: "What a pair of treasures, fun, fun, and fun to stand on."

Suddenly, a bad idea flashed into Xiyue's heart, and the smile on her face became wider. At this time, Yu Kaixing, who was lying on the sofa in the living room, was still driving, and Su La suddenly felt a chill, but she couldn't put it into words. Where does this feeling come from.

The night before Meng Le's wedding, in the room of tomorrow's protagonist in Meng's mansion, Xiyue looked at Meng Le who was wearing a wedding dress, with a faint smile on her lips: "Le, don't be angry, brother must be delayed by something. It’s gone.” Meng Le’s mommy and Xiying’s mommy are sisters, and Meng Le lived in Xi’s house when she was studying in Germany, so she has always had a good relationship with Xiying and Xiyue, and relatively with Yu Kaixing and Su La's relationship is also good, so she asked them all to be present when she got married, but at the most important juncture, her brother didn't know what happened.

"Yueyue, how could my cousin be like this, and he didn't even come to his only cousin's wedding." Meng Le's child has always been quite temperamental, and she couldn't hear any other explanation, only knowing that her cousin was getting married tomorrow. , and he hasn't shown up yet.

Xiyue was already having a headache from the quarrel, she had no choice but to signal Sura to comfort her first with her eyes, and she raised her mobile phone to signal herself to go out and make a call. After all, Sura and Xiyue have been friends for many years. The wife understood what the other party meant, and hurried over to comfort her: "Lele, how can a bride yell, be careful that the groom doesn't want you."

As soon as the groom was mentioned, Meng Le, who had been playing with a childish temper just now, suddenly showed shyness on his face. Yu Kaixing, who was watching from the side, was amazed: "Meng Le, you still blush." Laughed out loud.

As soon as Meng Le heard it, he yelled again: "Yu Kaixing, you are courting death."

Seeing the cheerful atmosphere in the room, Xiyue came out with her mobile phone, walked to the balcony at the end of the corridor, she dialed a number, and the phone was picked up immediately after the third ring: "Hi, Yueyue What's the matter?" There was an unconcealable exhaustion in the voice.

"Brother, what's the matter, I don't have the strength to speak at all." Xiyue asked the person on the phone worriedly.

There was a sudden hesitation on the phone, just when Xiyue wanted to ask again, Xiying's voice came over the phone again: "Yue, I'm fine, Lele is fine."

As soon as Meng Le was mentioned, Xiyue's faint smile curled up at the corner of her mouth: "Brother girl, don't you understand? You must be complaining about why you haven't come back yet."

Xiyue's provocative words made Xiying on the phone feel a lot of fatigue dissipated, and her tone became more relaxed: "Hehe, I will tell her later that I will definitely be there before her wedding tomorrow."

"Okay, brother, where are you now?" Xiyue asked lightly, looking at the sky in the distance, imagining what the person on the other side of the phone was doing now.

"At the airport, it's time to board the plane. Let's not talk about it. I'll board the plane first." After Xiying finished speaking, the voice broadcast of the boarding prompt from the airport main station broadcast came from the phone.

"Okay, brother, slow down on the road, call me when you get off the plane, and I will pick you up at the airport.

(End of this chapter)

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