Chapter 125

Later, he still tried to find but there was still no news. Three years after knowing that Feng Wei had disappeared, she suddenly told herself that she was studying fashion design in Milan. They have been in close contact with each other by phone these past few years, but he can still be there gradually. After seeing her news in fashion magazines, he knew that she was doing well now, but in fact, as long as he knew that she was doing well, everything else was no longer so important.

Received a sudden call from Shangguan Ziqi last night, Xia Nan was a little surprised but more surprised, but after hanging up the phone, she hesitated again, she was so happy that she forgot the appointment time with Wind in the afternoon.

But after careful consideration, she still decided to keep the two appointments as before. In the afternoon, she will discuss cooperation with Wind first, and then go to Meng's wedding with Ziqi in the evening. Her heart suddenly jumped for joy, because she already understood that Shangguan As long as Ziqi brings her to the wedding, it means that they have officially announced their relationship to the outside world. How can this answer make Xia Nan unhappy?

After Shangguan Ziqi hung up the phone, Shangguan Min walked behind him, looking at the lonely back, she hesitated to speak, and finally Shangguan Ziqi spoke first: "Min, if you have anything to say, just say it. "Although he said, he still didn't look back.

"Brother, do you like Xia Nan?" Shangguan Min's slightly sentimental voice sounded behind Shangguan Ziqi.

Shangguan Ziqi hesitated for a moment, then turned around and looked into Shangguan Min's eyes and smiled lightly: "Min, what do you like in this family?"

Shangguan Min was stunned suddenly, and then looked at Shangguan Ziqi's leaving back without knowing what to say, and suddenly understood his brother's suffering, yes, in this family, what does liking represent?Even the marriage is not his own, and the relationship has already become a luxury.

According to the agreed time, Feng Wei walked into the lobby downstairs of Xia Group. Xia Nan and several executives of the company had already been waiting in the hall. He smiled at Feng Wei and said, "Is it Wind? Hello, I'm Xia Nan, the general manager of Xia Group."

Seeing Wind walking in alone, Xia Nan was actually a little hesitant and skeptical at first. She didn't dare to go forward to recognize the wrong person, because she was afraid of admitting the wrong person, but the feeling of being alone can't be wrong. From this woman, she saw What she saw was not mediocrity, but a kind of arrogance, and she immediately understood that she was the person she wanted to meet.

Feng Wei is not curious that the other party can recognize him. If the general manager of a large group can't recognize him with such eyesight, then he can't justify it. He raised his right hand and grasped the slender hand that the other party extended, She is a very beautiful woman, but Feng Wei knows that the woman in front of her should not be underestimated, she has already vaguely investigated this woman before preparing to cooperate with the Xia Group, and the answer is only three words 'not easy'.

Smiling appropriately, Feng Wei lightly withdrew his gaze from the woman in front of him: "It's a pleasure to meet you, Manager Xia, I'm Wind."

"It's been a hard journey, please come with me." Xia Nan's face was still filled with a faint smile and a moderate voice, and Feng Wei suddenly felt very pleasant.

The first meeting of the two women seemed very harmonious, and Feng Wei felt satisfied with the first cooperation interview, which was much better than expected. Standing at the gate of the Xia Group, Feng Wei flatly declined the other party's farewell My thoughts: "You are welcome, Manager Xia. I will go back and think about the cooperation, and I will give you the answer as soon as possible."

(End of this chapter)

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