The wealthy and wealthy petite wife

Chapter 129 The Air Crash Occurs

Chapter 129 The Air Crash Occurs (2)

Anyone could understand the obvious hint, but Nangongya pretended not to hear it and said directly to Shangguan Ziqi and Xia Nan: "The wedding is about to begin, let's go in."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked towards the hotel gate, not caring whether Yu Xinmeng followed, and behind him were Shangguan Ziqi and Xia Nan who were holding hands.

Seeing the figures of the three walking away, Yu Xinmeng's face was full of anger, but she still had some sense and knew that now was not the time to be angry, so she suppressed the anger in her heart and quickly followed: "Ya wait for me."

Nangongya is not a person who is completely ignorant of current affairs. He knew that he would need this woman's help later, so he stopped, and the two people behind him also stopped. When Yu Xinmeng caught up, the four They walked into the hotel together.

The four people were able to enter the wedding hall after receiving the invitation letter from the bottom merchant. It was different from what was expected. The wedding venue was not decorated magnificently, but very warm. Xia Nan fell in love with this style of arrangement just at a glance. Looking happily at the man beside him: "This Miss Meng has good taste."

"Yes." Shangguan Ziqi agreed, and then he looked at the people around him with a light smile and said, "I like it."

Xia Nan was taken aback for a moment, then nodded shyly: "Yes."

Yu Xinmeng on the side looked at the two singing together with disdain, and couldn't help but burst out: "There's nothing beautiful about this, it doesn't have any taste at all."

However, no one paid any attention to her speech this time. Nangongya glanced at her faintly, with a warning in it: "Aren't you going to say hello to your uncle?"

Yu Xinmeng was taken aback when she heard it, and then looked at Nangongya in astonishment. Uncle, she suddenly remembered, and her eyes became deeply confused. Today's bride, Meng Le, is related to Sura, but She didn't even know who her relatives were, how did Nangong Ya know, a sudden thought moved her heart: "Ya, thank you for your concern."

Nangongya was inexplicably thanked by her, but she still nodded in a daze: "Let's go."

Yu Xinmeng suddenly walked towards the bride's father together with Nangongya.

And Xia Nan, who was standing there watching the two leave, suddenly smiled, and Shangguan Ziqi couldn't hide the smile on his mouth: "Ziqi, do you think this Yu Xinmeng is very funny?" Xia Nan said very Implicit, in fact, what she wanted to say was brainless.

As soon as Shangguan Ziqi heard Xia Nan's words, he immediately nodded in agreement: "The thinking is very independent, and there are many schools of thought."

On the other hand, Yu Xinmeng, who was playing Nangongya and walking in front of Meng Yu, the president of the Meng Group, had a smile on his face that he thought was perfect and called out to Meng Yu with a well-controlled voice: "Uncle Meng."

The middle-aged man named Meng Yu was taken aback for a moment, and then began to think about it in his mind, but in the end he failed: "You are?"

Seeing that the other party did not recognize her, Yu Xinmeng deliberately put on an unhappy face: "Uncle Meng, I am Su Feng's daughter."

She thought that the other party would recognize her when she heard Su Feng's name, but this time the other party's words made her even more embarrassed: "It turned out to be Su La, and she has grown up so much."

It was Sura again, and Yu Xinmeng's face suddenly became stiff, because there were many men and women around the same age as Meng Yu who surrounded her and watched Yu Xinmeng chattering, and asked to stand with Yu Xinmeng. Nangongya who was together also felt embarrassed.

(End of this chapter)

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