The wealthy and wealthy petite wife

Chapter 140 Meng Le Wedding

Chapter 140 Meng Le Wedding (5)

In an instant, his heart was empty, and he asked himself, the person he hated for seven years is no longer here, so is there any point in hating?It was at that moment that he suddenly understood that it was because he loved him so much that he hated her.

Thinking of this, Nangongya suddenly felt his eyes moisten, he smiled ironically, and then patted his drunken friend beside him: "Zi Qi, wake up, I'll take you back."

But how can a drunk person sober up so easily?In the end, Nangongya had no choice but to leave the bar behind her back.

When Shangguan Ziqi woke up the next day and saw his friend lying beside him, he suddenly smiled: "Ya Xingxing."

Nangongya opened his eyes in a daze and looked at Shangguan Ziqi: "Are you awake?"

"Well, thank you."

"You're welcome." After saying that, Nangongya got up on his own.

"Is Ya's cooperation with Xi's Group safe today?" The topic of two men being together can never be separated from work.

Mentioning Xishi Group Nangongya suddenly thought of something: "Yesterday, I received a call from Yu Kaixing, the special assistant to the president of Xishi Group, because their president was delayed in Italy, so this meeting will be attended by other people."

"Who?" This aroused Shangguan Ziqi's interest. It is really risky for Xi's Group to open such a big plan, unless the new leader is particularly capable.

"I heard it's Xiying's younger sister, Xiyue." Nangongya said the information calmly.

Shangguan Ziqi casually searched for this name in the leadership team of Xi's Group, but found no information, so he looked at Nangongya suspiciously: "It seems that there is no such person in the leadership of Xi's Group."

Looking at his friend's doubts, Nangongya suddenly smiled: "No, Xiyue, Xiying's younger sister, was never known to outsiders before, but seven years ago, the Xi family suddenly announced that the Xi family had been lost since childhood. The eldest lady found her back, her name is Xiyue, the 25-year-old Xiyue has been well protected in the past by the Xi family, the only thing known to the outside world is that all the hospitals under the name of the Xi family group are managed by the Xi family. Miss management."

Mentioning Xi's Hospital, Shangguan Ziqi's eyes suddenly lit up, and he couldn't help admiring this woman at the end of the year. The reason why Xi's Hospital is famous internationally is not because it belongs to the Xi's Group, but because it has various departments. Authority, everyone doesn't know why Xiyue, a woman, can be recruited by so many doctors to serve in Xi's Hospital all over the world, but everyone knows that Xi's family has a young lady, Xiyue, besides Xiying.

But this Xiyue is very mysterious, no one outside knows what she looks like.

"Ya, can you trouble Xiyue with grandpa's illness?" Shangguan Ziqi asked Nangong Ya excitedly.

"Maybe." Nangongya was not sure, because both Xiyue and Katherine were too mysterious, and he didn't know what would happen next.

I just hope that this cooperation case can really be completed, so I can also ask Xiyue to introduce Dr. Katherine for it, or he is afraid that Grandpa’s illness will not last this winter, although Grandpa has been Very strong, but he still knew that the doctor had already increased the dose of medicine given to grandpa.

This is why he will try his best to agree to his grandfather's request now. Perhaps in the eyes of many people, the deaths of Mommy and Zitong are inseparable from his grandfather, but he was raised by his grandfather alone. Can never give up.

(End of this chapter)

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