The wealthy and wealthy petite wife

Chapter 144 Meeting Again

Chapter 144 Meeting Again (4)

Xiyue is someone who has never seen it before. Seeing the expression on Xia Nan's face from calm to surprised to indifferent, she understood that this woman had understood everything in it, so she looked at her curiously and then looked in front of her. Shangguan Ziqi suddenly understood something: "Miss Xia, it's the first time we meet, hello."

Facing Xiyue's initiative to greet her, Xia Nan said that it was impossible not to be surprised, but what surprised her even more was that this person knew who she was. Didn't it mean that the Xi's Group had been in Germany all along?But she is used to seeing all kinds of emergencies, and her face is still as calm and general as before: "It's a great honor that Miss Xi will know me. Miss Xi has worked hard all the way to Germany. I have been admiring Miss Xi's name for a long time but I have no chance to meet her. Today It’s really admirable to see real people.”

Xia Nan's words were generous and decent, and everyone had smiles on their faces, including Xiyue: "Mr. Xia is over the top."

At this moment, Shangguan Ziqi spoke in a timely manner: "Miss Xia, please, people from the Nangong Group have already met upstairs, and we will wait for Miss Xi."

After finishing speaking, Shangguan Ziqi set his eyes on Xiyue's face, wanting to see something, but to his regret, after hearing about Nangong Group, all that that beautiful face possessed was calm, relieved and disappointed, But my heart also calmed down a lot.

How could a smart person like Xiyue fail to understand Shangguan Ziqi's deliberate hints, but she knew it by heart before she came, and there was no extra emotion when she had a calm smile on her face.

Shangguan Min also raised her heart in her throat after Shangguan Ziqi mentioned Nangong Group. She carefully observed Xiyue's expression, first she was worried and then puzzled. She didn't understand why she could be so calm. Could it be that there was no Nangongya in her heart? Yet?They used to be so in love after all, can seven years really change so much?If Zitong really doesn't love Nangongya anymore, does that mean she has a chance?
Nangongya sat quietly in the meeting room and looked at the documents in her hands. Yu Xinmeng who was sitting next to her was hesitant to speak a few times, but seeing his expression of not wanting to speak, she did not dare to provoke her easily , could only stand up, walked back to Su Feng's side, and then underestimated him in a low voice.

"Daddy, I heard that the person who came this time is not Xia Ying." Yu Xinmeng and Xia Feng talked about what they had just heard in the bathroom.

When Su Feng heard that it wasn't Xia Ying, his complexion suddenly turned serious: "Who is that?"

"I heard that she is the younger sister of the current president." Yu Xinmeng never paid attention to people in the mall, so she didn't even know who the person who was Xiying's younger sister was.

But Su Feng had heard about this young lady of the Xi's Group, who was in charge of all the hospitals under the Xi's Group. Her own growth is a mystery, but rumors say that she is a very capable person, and she did not expect to let her come this time. On behalf of the Xi's Group, what is the reason?Suddenly he thought of something: "Mengmeng, isn't your sister the special assistant of this Xiyue?" After saying this, Su Feng's eyes lit up. If it is true, then is this cooperation project possible?

Hearing the word "sister", Yu Xinmeng's eyes were filled with disgust, but it didn't show on her face, she just said aggrievedly: "I just don't know if my sister is willing to help."

(End of this chapter)

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