The wealthy and wealthy petite wife

Chapter 149 Meeting Again

Chapter 149 Meeting Again (9)

Xiyue's stern words immediately made Shangguanmin feel the coldness in her bones. She didn't dare to look into those cold eyes, but she spoke again for the sake of grandpa: "I want you to help contact Dr. Katherine to move my grandpa." Operation."

As soon as Shangguan Min finished speaking, Xiyue smiled immediately, but the smile did not reach her eyes, but she looked at Shangguan Min coldly and silently and said, "Why should I save him?"

Xiyue's words not only made Shangguan Min at a loss, but also made Shangguan Ziqi's face turn gray: "Zitong, that's your grandfather too." Shangguan Min could only say this.

But Xiyue looked at her and still smiled: "Grandpa? A person who killed my mommy, I will not admit that he is my grandfather."

Xiyue's words were very selective, and Shangguan Ziqi suddenly felt that his breathing was not so smooth, and he suddenly became sad: "Zitong, do you hate grandpa that much?"

"Do you hate it?" A faint rhetorical question, everyone didn't know who she was asking, and then Xiyue said again: "Brother, maybe he is a good grandfather in your eyes, because to be honest, he has always treated you very well." That’s right, but we all know why in our hearts, but you have always been a kind person, and because of his little affection, you will be served by doctors, but I am different.”

Speaking of which, Yu Kaixing saw the pain in Xiyue's eyes, and he wanted her to stop talking, but Xiyue stopped him from continuing: "Brother, do you know? When Mummy died, I was by her side , I watched her helplessly close her eyes. Do you still remember the glasses I used to wear? That was also what Mommy asked me to wear to protect me. Do you still remember why I had a fever? Because it was when I was in college I took a cold bath all night in winter, otherwise how could I hide those shrewd eyes." After speaking, Xiyue looked at Shangguan Ziqi's shocked face and smiled again.

Shangguan Ziqi never knew about these things. He was shocked and distressed, but he was also in a dilemma. After knowing all this, he also began to resent his grandfather, but he still couldn't let go of the one who raised him alone. big people.

Just when everyone was at a loss, Nangongya spoke, and he looked at Xiyue with deep shock and distress: "Zitong, this matter is just your effort, do you really want to watch your grandpa die?" ?”

Suddenly Xiyue's gaze shifted to Nangongya's face, and it became unfathomable: "Give me a reason, give me a reason to save him."

"Okay, then I'll give you a reason." Nangongya was already irritated by Xiyue's cold-blooded words, he stared at Xiyue with slightly angry eyes and said this sentence.

But his anger didn't affect Xiyue's decision, she just said to Nangongya plainly, "Tell me, I'll wait for your reason to change my decision."

The eyes of the two people were tense, and the faces of the people around their faces were no longer calm. Shangguan Ziqi looked at the two people worriedly. Many words were always hesitant to speak, and finally chose to remain silent. He actually knew what Nangongya was going to say. What, I also know that after those words are spoken, his sister will definitely agree to ask Katherine to heal Grandpa, but he knows that it is not Zitong's voluntary, but forced and unwilling, but Grandpa will die otherwise, It is also because he is too selfish, he will never be able to have both, he can only hurt one, and Zitong is the one he buried with his own hands in the family.

(End of this chapter)

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