The wealthy and wealthy petite wife

Chapter 152 Meeting Again

Chapter 152 Meeting Again (12)

Xiyue didn't look back, just stood still, and then said in the same faint voice: "Actually, you don't believe it. If you believe it, it's impossible to know that I disappeared for seven years after seven years." After saying that, Xiyue nodded again. He left the coffee shop without returning.

Xiyue's words before leaving made Nangongya fall into deep thought, didn't he?Did he never trust Zitong?Otherwise, why did I wait until now to come back to her?But his mother is still lying in the hospital, how can he not mind at all?

But on the other hand, what puzzles him even more is, does Zitong's swearing mean that he really blamed her?But back then she was the only one by Mommy's side. If Mommy wasn't because of Zitong, then who made her mommy look like this.

Although I feel sorry for my sister, but my grandfather has hope of being cured. No one can understand the joy in Shangguan Ziqi's heart, but this time he is going to wait for the dust to settle before telling his grandfather. If Zitong repents again, he I was afraid that I gave my grandfather hope and then gave him a severe blow. With my grandfather's current physical condition, I really couldn't bear it.

And he is still hesitating, should he tell his grandfather that Zitong is not dead and has become the eldest lady of the Xi's Group? What will he do if he tells his grandfather? This is what Shangguan Ziqi is worried about.

And what made him even more puzzled was that Zitong disappeared in a car accident seven years ago, why did she show up seven years later, and was her real purpose of coming back this time, as she said, to seek revenge from Shangguan's family?Up to now, he still can't believe that his sister who was the most beloved and kindest since he was a child has become so cold-blooded now, but the fact is that Zitong has really become cold-blooded, and the six relatives don't recognize him, because he didn't see the reunion in her eyes Joy, some just indifference.

When driving back to the hotel, when Xiyue saw Yu Kaixing who had been waiting for her for a long time in the living room, she didn't have any surprise on her face, she just quietly walked over and sat opposite him and asked, "Is there any news for brother?" ?” Although her tone was calm, Yu Kaixing could still hear the tremor in her voice.

"Well, Sura just called back, and the airline has confirmed that Xiying did not get on that flight, but we still can't find him so far." After Yu Kaixing finished speaking, he clearly felt the person in front of him. Taking a deep breath, a small smile appeared on his face.

But he knew that that shallow smile could already represent the joy in Xiyue's heart, and sure enough, after Xiyue smiled faintly, her face regained her composure, then she raised her eyes and looked directly at Yu Kaixing and said: "Okay, now you can take a plane to Italy to find your brother, and then let Su La come back immediately."

"Why?" Yu Kaixing couldn't understand at this time, and now it was the urgent time to develop the project, so she actually asked herself to find someone.

Xiyue immediately hid the last trace of smile on her face and said sternly: "First, you have more contacts in Europe than Su La; Things, the third" said Xiyue paused for a while, and then she said: "Don't you trust my ability?"

(End of this chapter)

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