The wealthy and wealthy petite wife

Chapter 157 Meeting Again

Chapter 157 Meeting Again (17)

"Are you back? Is that you? Zitong?" An excited female voice sounded from behind Zitong. The voice was full of helplessness, excitement, joy, and resentment.
Xiyue stood up slowly, turned around slowly and looked at the person who was speaking, looking at the face covered with tears, Xiyue lightly raised the corners of her mouth and walked over, raised her hand and gently wiped off the wind. Tears on Wei Wei's face: "Silly girl, don't cry."

The next moment Fengwei had already hugged Xiyue tightly in his arms, and said with complaints in his tone: "How can you, how can you still be alive and not contact me, how can you." Wei Wei's voice was already choked up.

Hugging the person in her arms apologetically, Xiyue raised her eyes and glanced at Situ Shen who had been standing aside and said nothing: "Long time no see."

There was no joy, no passion in that voice, it was still as cold as before, Situ Shen suddenly smiled: "You are really back."

"Yes, I'm back." When Xiyue said this, she and Situ Shen looked at each other and smiled. Although they hadn't seen each other for seven years, the friendship was still there, and there was no gap or estrangement.

This is friendship, no matter how long you haven't seen each other, no matter what happened to you in the past, when you meet again, there will be no barriers, let alone strangers.

"Hey, Wei Wei, don't cry, shouldn't you be happy that Zitong is back?" Situ Shen's happy tone couldn't hide his inner joy. In his opinion, Zitong's return has surpassed all the past.

"I'm not happy, not happy, why why, I didn't come back after seven years." After finishing speaking, Feng Wei let go of Xiyue, and then she ran out of the cemetery, Xiyue was about to chase, but Situ Shen suddenly grabbed her.

"Stop chasing, let her calm down." Situ Shen's words made Xiyue stop her pace of chasing, and then stood there silently looking at Feng Wei's disappearing back.

Then he said in a very soft voice: "Shen, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I..." Xiyue still has no way to explain the reason for that explanation to them.

"It's fine, as long as you come back." Situ Shen's voice was very soft, but it implied more joy.

Withdrawing her gaze from a distance and looking back at the photo on the tombstone, Xiyue said with emotion: "It's been seven years, Long Yu has been gone for seven years, some things should always have a beginning and an end, so I'm back."

After finishing speaking, Xiyue knelt down again and touched the photo on the tombstone lightly: "I'm sorry Longyu, I still have to save that person, because I owe that to Shangguan's family, but don't worry, what you lost I will definitely get it back for you."

After saying that, Xiyue's eyes suddenly became sharper, she stood up and said to Situ Shen, "Let's go."

"Okay." After seeing Xiyue, Situ Shen's gaze never left her body. Although his face was calm, no one knew his inner worry. He was afraid that after waiting for seven years, it would be another dream.

It wasn't until he got back in the car that Situ Shen felt that all this was a little real: "Zitong, it's great that you're back."

Situ Shen's words made the corners of Xiyue's mouth rise slightly, and she looked at the handsome man beside her with a sideways smile, and her voice became lighter: "Yeah, I'm finally back."

(End of this chapter)

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