The wealthy and wealthy petite wife

Chapter 165 Marriage Changed to Engagement

Chapter 165 Marriage Changed to Engagement (2)

Regarding the matter of going to Xia's family to propose marriage tomorrow, Shangguan Ziqi decided to hide it from Xia Nan and then give her a surprise. Maybe it wasn't because of love, but at the very least, she needed all the happiness that a woman should have, and she must not be like her own. Mommy, and he will not be such a heartless man.

After coming out of the hospital, Xiyue asked Sura to go back to the company alone, while she walked aimlessly on the road alone. She had lived in this city for more than ten years, but now she felt so strangeness.

She just paid attention to her walking, but didn't notice that there was a car following her all the time. When Xiyue suddenly stood up when she didn't know what she saw, the car suddenly sped to Xiyue's side from behind, followed by a The living people were pulled into the car by the people in the car, and then the car flew to the distance with the people.

By the time passers-by reacted and took out their mobile phones to call the police, the car had already disappeared at the corner of the street.

Xiyue's first reaction was to struggle, but when she saw the person driving in the driver's seat, she suddenly gave up struggling, and the situation on her face was replaced by anger: "Nangongya, what are you doing, I don't know what you are doing. Is what you're doing now illegal?"

Xiyue's anger immediately angered Nangongya who was driving the car. He suddenly turned the steering wheel and the car stopped on the side of the road. Xiyue's first reaction was to open the door to escape, but the door couldn't be opened no matter what. When she looked at Nangong Ya, she was kissed fiercely by Nangong Ya: "Nangong Ya. Let me go."

But she focused on kissing the person in her arms and never let go, she just tightly hugged the person in her arms, Xiyue clearly felt that the lips that kissed her were not tender at all, even if she had some emotions, she was suppressed, Anger, there are many other emotions that even she can't talk about.

Finally, Nangongya let go of the person in his arms, but he never let go of the hands surrounding Xiyue. He just hugged him like that. After a while, he screamed in Xiyue's ear with extremely suppressed emotions: " Shangguan Zitong, what do you want me to do with you?"

Those words that suppressed countless emotions suddenly made Xiyue give up struggling. It's not that she doesn't love this man, but because of too many misunderstandings and obstacles, she dared not love: "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry."

For the first time since the two met, Xiyue said sorry to Nangongya for the first time, and Nangongya's arms suddenly tightened: "Zitong, I don't want your sorry, I just want you to love me, love me Just fine."

This time Xiyue didn't know how to answer: "Ya, don't you hate me about your mommy?"

"I don't know, but I can't forgive myself, because if it weren't for you, I can't even find the murderer who hurt my mommy, and I can't forgive myself even more."

Nangongya's words made Xiyue silent again, if others could not understand that feeling, but she would not.

Seeing that Xiyue stopped talking again, Nangongya became anxious again: "Zitong, let's start over." After finishing speaking, Nangongya carefully looked into Zitong's eyes, nervously waiting for her next answer.

After Xiyue finished speaking in Nangongya, she slowly closed her eyes. Just when Nangongya thought she would be rejected again, Xiyue suddenly opened her eyes again to meet Nangongya's slightly disappointed eyes, and then suddenly She laughed, and then spoke again in Nangongya's surprised expression: "Okay."

(End of this chapter)

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