The wealthy and wealthy petite wife

Chapter 171 Happy Cooperation

Chapter 171 Happy Cooperation (4)

"Okay, I see." Knowing the news that her brother was not dead, Xiyue finally breathed a sigh of relief, and her tone became softer: "Okay, when will you come back."

"I'm at the airport now, I guess I'll be there tomorrow morning." Yu Kaixing was still talking on his phone while leaning on the pillar in the airport hall casually.

"I'll talk about it when you come back." After finishing speaking, Xiyue hung up the phone neatly when she saw the person slowly approaching in the distance.

Hearing the beeping sound from the phone, Yu Kaixing closed the phone depressedly: "Smelly girl, you are not considerate at all, and you don't tell me how my little Lala is doing recently."

Suddenly he smiled at the corner of his mouth, that's great, I can see Lala when I go back.

Watching Xiyue close the phone, Nangongya walked over with a smile: "Who are you calling?"

Xiyue didn't expect Nangongya to ask herself this question, so she just said, "With Sula."

"Oh, what do you want to eat?" Nangongya stopped asking, but changed the subject and asked Xiyue what she would like to eat.

"It's fine as usual." This is a private themed restaurant, all of which adopt a membership system. Xiyue doesn't know how Nangongya found this place, but she really likes the food here.

"Okay." After calling in the clerk to order the food, Nangongya relaxed on the chair, looked at the person opposite with a smile and said, "It's good for you, don't care about anything, just leave all the cooperation matters to me."

Nangongya's relaxed words and childish and coquettish tone suddenly made Xiyue burst out laughing.

Seeing that beautiful smile, Nangongya suddenly softened his expression again: "Smile more, Tonger, I haven't seen such an innocent smile of yours for many years."

The word "Tong'er" suddenly made Feng Wei's heart a little more sentimental. At this moment, the meal was delivered in good time, Xiyue hurriedly concealed her sadness, and began to fight against the food in front of her. They have been like this for the past few weeks Date, eat delicious food, and occasionally go to the apartment Nangongya just bought to watch movies, listen to music, or chat about work.

Both of them didn't bring up the past, as if they were deliberately avoiding something, Xiyue didn't know, how long could this kind of peace and tranquility last?She just hoped that the storm would come later.

After meeting in front of Longyu's tomb last time, this is the second time the three friends have met in seven years. Feng Wei kept his face cold and refused to look at Xiyue, while Situ Shen was trying to comfort her, but There has been no consolation.

Suddenly Xiyue laughed, she moved the chair to the side of Fengwei, then smiled and looked at her stubborn face, and whispered: "Wind designer, you are still angry."

Feng Wei still kept her face turned and said nothing, Xiyue continued to say to her, "Don't be angry now."

Feng Wei hadn't dissipated yet, but Situ Shen on the side suddenly smiled: "Zitong, why do you speak in such a tone as if you're coaxing the child again."

"Who is the child?" Feng Wei immediately reacted when he heard that he was called a child, glaring at Situ Shen angrily.

"Okay, okay, you're not a child, you're a beautiful woman." Situ Shen shook his head helplessly. Seven years have passed, and this girl still hasn't grown up.

"Okay, Shen, don't talk about Wei." Xiyue pretended to scold Situ Shen angrily, Fengwei still gloated at Situ Shen's misfortune when he saw this.

(End of this chapter)

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