Chapter 179 Wrong Time (7)

After Fengwei escaped from the banquet hall, she was finally found by Xiying in the underground parking lot.
He kept running all the time just hoping that the person would not catch up with him, until he got back to his car, Feng Wei slumped in the driver's seat and let out a deep breath. He couldn't help but wrinkled: "Damn it, how did he find this place?"

Feng Wei felt that the pores of her whole body had been erected at this time, the man's laughter was still whistling in her ears, the voice was vaguely familiar, as if it was right next to her ears, Feng Wei's heart skipped a beat. Surprised, she turned around at once, and the next moment, her lips were already kissed.

Fengwei's first reaction was to struggle, but because she was hugged too tightly, she couldn't break free, finally Xiying let go of the person in her arms, and looked at her with a smile: "Run again, run again."

Feng Wei's face turned ashen all of a sudden: "What on earth do you want?"

"I don't want to do anything." When she said this, Xiying smiled calmly, but Fengwei felt creepy. Before she could speak again, Xiying spoke again: "Drive."

"Where are you going?" Feng Wei was stunned by Xi Ying's sudden change.

"Go to where you live."

"I won't go." Feng Wei looked at the man in horror.

As soon as Fengwei finished speaking, Xiying's face changed again. Fengwei was startled when she saw that she couldn't escape, so she could only say to the man she hated so much in fear, "I'll go , I'll go, right away."

Seeing Fengwei being so obedient, Xiying felt relieved from the fatigue of many days, and lay down on the back seat of the car with her eyes closed to rest.

While driving the car, Feng Wei observed the man in the back seat from the rearview mirror. In fact, she never thought that they would meet again. She went to England with Situ Shen seven years ago, but she didn't believe that Zitong would do this. Died, so she left the UK and wandered aimlessly around the world alone. When she wandered to Italy, all the money in her body was used up. It's good to die like this.

Just after she fainted on the street because of hunger, she suddenly had a kind of relief, she thought she would die just like that, but when she woke up in a clean bed, she panicked, because the clothes on her body They were all replaced in her coma, and then she saw Xiying, her first reaction was that he took off her clothes, and because of anger, she slapped him.

At that time, she didn't know the identity of this man, but she just looked at his clothes and understood that he was not a simple person. After slapping her hand, she looked at the man with a gloomy complexion. Looking at him, he said, "Who and so. Let you take off my clothes."

Just finished speaking, the door of the room was pushed open again from the outside, Feng Wei looked in surprise, only to see a beautiful woman walking in, seeing the awakened Feng Wei, she immediately walked over happily: "Miss, Are you awake? Great."

Feng Wei looked at the happy girl suspiciously, and then asked suspiciously: "Did you bring me back?"

"Yes, I happened to meet you in a coma on the road, so I brought you back. Fortunately, you are about the same size as me, so I exchanged my clothes for you." The woman said kindly to Feng Wei .

(End of this chapter)

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