The wealthy and wealthy petite wife

Chapter 185 Successful Surgery

Chapter 185 Successful Surgery (3)

And being smart, she naturally wouldn't push herself to the cusp of the storm, and there was another fool she could use, and that person was Yu Xinmeng.

After saying those words in the hospital, Xiyue didn't immediately take revenge on Shangguan's family, but let the incident go.

On the night after the operation, when she returned to the lounge, she leaned on the chair with her eyes closed, and Sura stood aside quietly. Suddenly Xiyue opened her eyes, looked at Sura and asked, "My brother?" where are you now?"

"I don't know." Sura replied honestly.

"I don't know where it is." Xiyue said with a faint smile.

"Where is it?" Sura looked at the person in the chair suspiciously.

Xiyue didn't answer her immediately, but changed the subject: "Lala, you call Xing now and ask him to come to the hospital to borrow me, and then we'll go find my brother together, and tell him there's a good show to watch, or else He won't come." How well Xiyue knew Yu Kaixing, that man's biggest flaw was his playfulness, as long as he said something interesting, he would definitely come back.

Sura was actually very reluctant to call that man, because she would get angry just thinking of the kiss last night, but because Xiyue asked her to do it, she could only do it and hang up the phone. Xiyue said: "He said he would be at the hospital gate in 15 minutes, let us go down and wait for him."

"Okay, I'll go and change this suit first, and then I'll wait for him to pick us up to watch a good show." Thinking of that wonderful scene, Xiyue's mood suddenly improved.

Sura didn't know why Xiyue was so happy suddenly, but in her heart, she still wanted to see Xiyue like this.

Sometimes the world is so small, and sometimes when you don’t want to meet that person, God just doesn’t go your way. When Xiyue walked to the gate of the hospital with Sura after changing clothes, she happened to meet Shangguan Min holding her arms. Nangongya also walked out of the hospital.

Compared with the excitement of seeing her relatives, Xiyue looked very calm when she saw Shangguanmin, but she just turned her face slightly to pretend not to know her, while Nangongya's eyes did not stay on Xiyue's body from the beginning to the end, and directly supported her. Shangguanmin brushed away from Xiyue's side and returned, then got into Nangongya's car and sped away.

Seeing Xiyue's suddenly dark face, Sura asked her worriedly: "Yue, are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Xiyue said indifferently, then turned her eyes to the far away car and continued to ask Sura: "Lala, do you hate your father?"

Sura remembered Yue asked herself the same thing, and her answer was the same: "I don't know."

"Yeah, I don't know. It's better not to know than to know." When Sura said this, she found that Xiyue was laughing at herself, but she didn't know how to comfort her, so she chose to remain silent.

Sometimes silence is really a good thing. When you don't know how to do many things, choose to be silent.

When Yu Kaixing's car drove up to the two of them, it was the first time that Sura thanked the man so much. When she quickly got into the car, Yu Kaixing gave her a weird look through the rear mirror and didn't speak.

Sura sneered at him, then turned her gaze out of the car window and stopped talking.

Seeing that the people in the back seat stopped talking, Yu Kaixing turned his gaze to Xiyue in the passenger seat: "Yue, where are we going?"

(End of this chapter)

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