The wealthy and wealthy petite wife

Chapter 187 Successful Surgery

Chapter 187 Successful Surgery (5)

Although Xiyue was puzzled in her heart, she knew that Xiyue must have her own reasons for doing so, so she chose to follow behind silently.

When he walked to the corner room, Xiyue suddenly smiled at Yu Kaixing strangely. Yu Kaixing was shocked and wanted to go back, but it was too late. He only heard Xiyue say to himself: " Go, you can go, if you go tomorrow, I will ask my brother to send you to Antarctica to develop new markets."

As soon as Yu Kaixing heard it, he stopped walking, then turned around and looked at Xiyue's smiling face with a smile, and said flatteringly to him: "I don't want to leave, I just turn around and have a look But someone is here." But she kept cursing in her heart, she is really a treacherous woman, as the saying goes, you can offend anyone, but you can't offend women, and developing the Antarctica market is really only this woman who can think of it. Shit, there are only Antarctic penguins, so let him develop the penguin market.

"That's good, there are no idlers now, so you can do your work." While speaking, he took a hairpin from Sura's head and handed it to Yu Kaixing.

As soon as Sura saw this situation, she already understood what Xiyue wanted Yu Kaixing to do: "Yue, we don't know the people inside, is this okay?"

Yu Kaixing also hurriedly echoed Sura's words: "Yes, Yue, think twice before acting." It was the first time that the two enemies cooperated like this.

Suddenly Xiyue's face turned cold, and Yu Kaixing immediately lost all persistence: "I will open it, I will open it, and I will open the lock right away."

Why is he so unlucky, why did he get such a big devil, and let himself steal other people's locks, he suddenly hated himself for being so boring, why he didn't study good things, but studied lockpicking, now it's all right, I just want to find an excuse to say that I won't come and I can't find it.

Full of depression, Yu Kaixing started to unlock the lock, but it didn't open for 1 minute, and it still didn't open for 2 minutes. Xiyue raised her foot from behind and kicked Yu Kaixing's back: "Hurry up."

Just after kicking that kick, the door slowly moved back. Xiyue pushed Yu Kaixing who was in the way, and stretched out her hand like a switch to press the door. When he and Sura wanted to stop It was too late, so I could only howl in my heart: "I'm dead, I'm dead."

But even if they were dead, they couldn't run away at this moment, they could only bite the bullet and walked into the room.

Yu Kaixing followed behind Su La, dejectedly thinking about how to find an excuse later, but before he could figure out the excuse, he heard Su La's yelling, and he raised his head in a panic: "La La ,what happened to you."

Sura didn't answer her, but looked in another direction with a horrified expression, and then Yu Kaixing heard an angry voice that he was familiar with and couldn't be more familiar with: "Yu Kaixing, you'd better give me a perfect explanation, why are you Will be here." The voice was very calm, but Yu Kaixing could hear the gnashing of teeth and anger in that voice.

Without looking back, he already knew who that person Sura was screaming at. He began to resent himself. Curiosity really killed people, but the more important thing than blaming himself now is to find an excuse to be perfect. Yu Kaixing first He glared at Xiyue who had a happy smile on his face, and then slowly turned his eyes to the first person with a flattering smile: "Oh, why is it you, the boss, I went to the wrong room."

"Very good, you can go to the wrong room without a key, Yu Kaixing, you are really capable." Xiying leaned against the bed, staring at Yu Kaixing with gloomy eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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