The wealthy and wealthy petite wife

Chapter 190 Contradictions erupt

Chapter 190 Contradictions erupt (3)

Yu Kaixing was still half in a trance, and then took out the key from his pocket for no apparent reason, and then the key was snatched by Su La, who was going to open the door of the room. When La and Fengwei walked into the room one by one, he suddenly realized: "You guys are asleep, what should I do?"

Then Yu Kaixing heard Fengwei drop such a sentence: "What are you going to do?" Then the door was closed in front of Yu Kaixing with a bang.

It was at this moment that Yu Kaixing understood the meaning of the word "falling into trouble", but when encountering a difficult character like Xiyue, he could only admit it, because resistance is doomed to fail.

The next morning, Fengwei was pressed by Xiying to a jewelry store: "What are you doing?"

Xiying was not angry this time, but glanced at Fengwei with a smile, and then said meaningfully: "Buy a ring." The excitement in that tone was beyond words.

Feng Wei was startled all of a sudden: "You really want to listen to that dead woman Zitong and marry me."

"Why not." Xiying's simple four words broke Fengwei's last expectation, she wanted to cry but was dragged into the jewelry store by Xiying.

Xiying was in a particularly happy mood today. As soon as she walked into the jewelry store, Xiying first smiled at the clerk, and then said, "Show me some rings."

The clerk is also a person with a little discernment. The clothes and manners of the two customers immediately made them understand that they are not simple people, so they immediately gave Xiying the ring that just came out of the store: "Sir, these rings are all It is the latest work of our designer, you can let the lady try it on."

Xi Ying picked out one of several rings and looked at it in her hand, then looked at Feng Wei: "Come here."

Feng Wei reluctantly walked over: "What are you doing?"

"Put it on and have a look." Xiying spoke in a concise and clear tone without meaning to waste.

The clerk on the side was stunned. Are these two newlyweds who are about to get married? Why do they feel more like enemies, but the clerk only dared to think about it in his heart and dared not say it out loud.

Feng Wei stretched out his right hand reluctantly, while Xi Ying picked up the ring in his palm and put it on, then nodded in satisfaction: "Not bad."

"Are you ready?" Feng Wei yelled at Xi Ying in a bad tone, but the latter was in a good mood today and was not angry, but pulled off Feng Wei's fingertip and brought another one for him.

While the two were trying on the ring, suddenly all the shop assistants stood up straight and looked towards the door of the shop and bowed, and then all the power sources said in unison: "Hello, chairman, hello, Miss Xia."

Feng Wei is also a curious baby, and she followed everyone's gaze. The next moment her smile froze on her face, how could it be him.

Last night at his engagement ceremony, because of surprise, I didn't take a good look at him. I didn't expect to see him for seven years. Those immaturities had already disappeared from his face, replaced by calmness and determination. He really changed.

And Xia Nan, who was holding his arm by his side, smiled friendly when he saw Fengwei and Xiying, and then walked over with Shangguan Ziqi on his arm: "Hello, my name is Xia Nan, I was booking last night. We met at the wedding reception."

Feng Wei didn't expect this woman to remember her, so she smiled stiffly at her, and when she was about to speak again, her waist was suddenly surrounded by an arm, and then a steady voice sounded: "Mr. Shangguan, Miss Xia Congratulations, I'm Xiying."

(End of this chapter)

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