The wealthy and wealthy petite wife

Chapter 192 Contradictions erupt

Chapter 192 Contradictions erupt (5)

At this time, Xiyue, who was sleeping in the hotel, was suddenly awakened by the ringing of her mobile phone. She didn't even look at her mobile phone, and answered in a bad tone: "Who is it, disturbing people's sleep early in the morning."

Nangongya on the other side of the phone was filled with anger when he heard Xiyue's words, and then his tone became dark: "Shangguan Zitong, I'll give you 10 minutes to come to the apartment immediately, or you will be at your own risk " After finishing speaking, Nangongya hung up the phone, regardless of what Xiyue on the other side had to say.

Xiyue threw down the phone inexplicably, then fell back to sleep, completely forgetting what Nangongya said on the phone, two 10 minutes later, one hour, two hours
When Nangongya waited in the apartment for five hours and still did not see Shangguan Ziqi's arrival, his face turned completely dark: "Shangguan Zitong, very good, very good, you are very good."

When Xiyue woke up, she glanced at her phone, suddenly stumbled from the bed to the place, and then rushed into the bathroom the next moment, and took the shortest 5 minutes in history to clean herself up and change her clothes, and then He rushed out of the door, not even stopped by Su La.

Xiyue kept urging the driver to speed up the car all the way. The driver looked at her as if she was really in a hurry, so he didn't blame her, and even helped to speed up the car to the maximum speed limit.

The taxi finally arrived at the destination. Xiyue threw down a full ticket and ran into the apartment building before the driver changed the money, disappearing from the driver's sight. The driver couldn't catch up even if he wanted to. Xin drove away.

Nangongya looked around the room again, full of resignation and anger, he had been waiting for Zitong to come to him, hoping she could give him an explanation, but no, she didn't take the initiative to come to him, and now he called her. But she still didn't come, not even a phone call, he didn't understand what he was to her?
Seven years after this reunion, he has always been the one who took the initiative, but she just accepted it passively. She didn't say that she loves herself, and she didn't say that she would be with him forever. He has himself, but now, he really can't believe it.

This nest has all the memories of this period of time, and it contains too much happiness and joy, but now Nangongya only has a feeling as if it is a world away, and staying here is only painful.

Looking around the room again, Nangongya resolutely raised his footsteps and walked out the door, but when he opened the door, he suddenly saw the person he was thinking of standing at the door panting.

For a moment, Nangongya's heart was jumping for joy, but in the next moment he put on a straight face: "What are you doing here?"

Xiyue was taken aback by Nangongya's indifferent words, then she put on a smile again: "Didn't you ask me to come?"

"Is there? That was five hours ago." Nangongya said this coldly.

Xiyue suddenly felt embarrassed: "Ya, I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry, if it's useful, there won't be so many people in this world who will be imprisoned." Nangongya's tone became more and more intense.

After hearing Nangongya's questioning, Xiyue became unhappy: "Nangongya, don't make trouble for no reason."

"Am I making trouble for no reason?" Nangongya stared firmly into Xiyue's eyes.

"What on earth do you want?" Xiyue suddenly felt that her head hurt and her whole body was extremely tired. She hated such quarrels, which were endless.

(End of this chapter)

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