The wealthy and wealthy petite wife

Chapter 197 Contradictions erupt

Chapter 197 Contradictions erupt (10)

Without calling in advance, Su La showed up an hour later at the home she hadn't returned to for almost ten years, twisting the gift she simply bought in her hand, Su La stood outside the gate of Su's house, wondering what she wanted don't go in.

It’s been almost ten years since she came back. At this time, Sura’s heart is really complicated. This family has the best memory in her memory, and also the most painful memory in her memory. In this family, when the man decided to marry that woman, she left and swore that she would never come back, but she still came back after so many years. Some things are really like what Yue said, and they cannot be said so absolutely.

She put her hand on the bell again and again, and when she put it down again, Sura stood in a daze, and then put down the gift in her hand. The moment she turned to leave, the big iron door was opened from the inside.

The person who walked out of it, Sura, was so familiar that she couldn't be more familiar, and her eyes turned red in an instant. When the middle-aged woman saw Sura, her emotions became agitated, and she saved her, and then said loudly: " Miss, is that you? You finally come back, I finally waited for you to come back. "

Sura's excited tears dripped down the corners of her eyes slowly, then she hugged the woman who was shorter than herself tightly, and then said in a choked voice: "It's me, Wang Ma, I'm Sura, I'm back."

"It's good to be back." The person called Wang Ma by Sura has been holding Sura, and then let her go after her emotions eased, but she never let go: "Miss, it's good that you come back, The master must be very happy to know." Wang Ma has been working as a servant in the Su family since she was young, and Su La is almost considered to be brought up by her, so she is very clear about the conflicts in the Su family, but because she is just a servant People, she can't say much.

It's just that she feels sorry for her young lady, who left home to such a far country at a young age, and has not heard from her for so many years.

Sura didn't answer Wang Ma's words, but stared at the familiar courtyard through the open gate and was startled. At this moment, Wang Ma walked into the courtyard while holding Sura's hand, and said something. She said to Sura: "Miss, you have been away for so many years, and the layout of the house is still arranged according to the way you were there. That woman also changed the layout, but she was scolded by the master." In her heart, only Su La's mother is always the wife of the family, and she doesn't care about that woman at all.

Su La didn't answer Wang Ma's words, but just walked behind Wang Ma with a smile, and asked Wang Ma while walking, "Wang Ma, how are you doing these years?"

"The bones are old, and the body is not bad, but the legs and feet are not as flexible as before." Although she doesn't want to admit that she is old, but the years are really unforgiving, and her legs and feet are already inflexible. The child has long said that she should quit her job and go back to enjoy the happiness, but the young lady hasn't come back yet, how can she leave willingly, she must guard this home for the dead wife and her young lady.

Su La suddenly felt a little sentimental, and couldn't help twisting Wang Ma's arm tightly again, but she didn't speak. She has never been a person who is very good at expressing feelings, and she still can't say some emotional things, so It can only be expressed in action.

(End of this chapter)

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