Chapter 202 Is Imminent (5)

At this time, in the study of the male owner upstairs in the Su family, Su La was standing in front of the desk, and Su Feng was sitting on the chair behind the desk. He carefully observed Su La's expression, and then said: "Lala, how about first?" Sit down, have you had breakfast? I'll let your mother Wang cook something you like."

Speaking of Su Feng got up and was about to go outside, Su La grabbed her: "No need to go, Mama Wang is probably already doing it."

Su Feng suddenly sat down on the chair decadently, and then said with a gloomy expression, "I'm sorry, Lala."

Su La suddenly couldn't bear to see Su Feng's frustrated look, so she pretended not to care and walked to the window, then stood with her back to Su Feng, and then a faint voice sounded in the office: "You have nothing to do to me, you最对不起的人只有妈咪。

When his daughter mentioned his first wife, Su Feng's face suddenly turned pale, and he didn't say a word for a long time.

If someone asks him who is the most guilty person in his life, then he will definitely say that it is his wife. Back then, he was a poor boy with nothing. Mommy Sula’s family was not bad at that time, and her father-in-law and mother-in-law were also very kind. He didn't dislike him because he was poor, not only married his only daughter to him, but also gave him the pension of the two elders as investment capital. Lala was born in the second year of marriage. He really felt that he was the happiest person in the world, with a kind and virtuous wife, and a well-behaved and intelligent daughter.

Later, his career gradually expanded, but he committed the common fault of many men, falling in love with his secretary, and lived like that for two years.

Until one day, when he went to the house he bought for Yu Jie without going home after get off work, he didn't expect to see his wife sitting inside when he opened the door.

It was also the first time, and the only time, that he saw his always gentle wife with such a domineering side. She asked for a divorce, and the daughter was given to her, and she didn't want anything else.

Of course, he couldn't agree. The daughter is not only his wife's lifeblood, but also his lifeblood. How could he promise to give her his daughter.

That negotiation broke down, and he didn't go home for more than two months. He didn't expect that the resentful eyes of his terminally ill wife and daughter would greet him again.

He regretted it at that moment, but he still didn't save his wife's life. His wife hated him until death, and his daughter hadn't spoken to him for more than a year.

One year later, at the wedding where he was going to marry Yu Jie, his daughter who was unwilling to meet him for a year appeared at the wedding. He was really happy the moment he saw her, but he never thought that she would say That kind of words: "As long as you marry this woman, we will sever the father-daughter relationship from now on."

In front of so many guests, he is also a person who saves face, so he said harsh words at that time: "Then you get out."

But she didn't expect to get the news before the wedding. Su La went abroad. At that moment, she began to understand that her daughter also inherited her wife's resolute character.

Later, he flew to Germany to find her countless times, but she was unwilling to see him in the past ten years, and even asked him to help him financially. He had seen her washing dishes in foreign Chinese restaurants, and saw her She delivered milk from door to door early in the morning.
(End of this chapter)

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