The wealthy and wealthy petite wife

Chapter 210 Misunderstanding deepens again

Chapter 210 Misunderstanding deepens again (4)

Feng Wei originally thought that Situ Shen would at least have a little bit of fear after hearing her threatening words, but all she saw was the half-smile in his eyes and his calm words: "Go ahead."

Fengwei is not an idiot, but she understood it all at once, and then looked at the other party bitterly: "Shen, I found out that I have not seen you for seven years, you are really good at treachery, let me tell you, I will not help you. You confessed to Zitong, hum."

After listening to Feng Wei's words, Situ Shen still smiled: "Oh, my wish has come to nothing."

Just at that moment, Fengwei looked at the man in front of him who was talking and laughing and became confused again: "Shen, do you like Zitong or not?"

"What do you think?" Situ Shen's answer was still ambiguous.

This time, Feng Wei didn't smile anymore, she just looked at the other side very seriously and said: "You have never had any other women by your side these years, I think the only possibility for you is to wait for Zitong, seven years ago, you watched Zitong approach You didn't move in Nangongya's arms. At that time, I really thought you didn't like Zitong, but after Zitong disappeared, I knew I was wrong about your crazy appearance, but Zitong has come back now, and you still don't move. , I’m confused again, but now whether you like it or not, I just want to tell you, Shen, if you don’t make a move, you may never have another chance with Zitong.”

After Feng Wei finished speaking, she began to sip slowly with the coffee in her hand. When it comes to emotional matters, outsiders are always just outsiders. Only when the parties themselves figure it out can they have a perfect answer.

like?dislike?Maybe it's already gone, he just loves her, loves her very much, the kind of love that goes deep into the marrow makes him not look at others all these years, just to wait for her, because he believes that it is impossible for Zitong like that to be like that dead.

Seven years ago, when he saw Zitong leaning against Nangongya's arms, his heart was not peaceful at all. He hated himself for countless late nights, why didn't he take the initiative, but seeing Zitong's happy smile at that time, he I have suppressed my feelings countless times and told myself that I can't destroy her happiness, as long as she is happy.

In the past seven years, he spent countless lonely nights close to the deep feeling in his heart, and then he finally waited for her to come back. It was still countless times. He wanted to tell her that he loved her, but now After all, Zitong is not the girl she was seven years ago. He was afraid that after he told her they would not even be friends, so he could only wait calmly.

But what Feng Wei said just now gave him another inspiration.It's not seven years ago now, if he fights for it by himself, there may still be a slight chance, otherwise, this life may really pass by, after clearing his mind, a relaxed smile suddenly appeared on Situ Shen's face.

It was just that simple smile, as his best friend, Feng Wei immediately understood the meaning of it, so she raised the cup of coffee: "Shen, I will use coffee instead of wine to wish you a successful start in advance, thinking It's done."

"Thank you." The most sincere friendship between friends is like this, with eternal support and knowing what the other person is thinking with just one move and one look.

The two of them quietly thought about their respective affairs, slowly sipped the coffee in their hands, and waited for the late arrival of that person.


(End of this chapter)

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