The wealthy and wealthy petite wife

Chapter 220 Execution Plan

Chapter 220 Execution Plan (4)

In the second week, Xia Nan met with Fengwei again to discuss the endorsement. This time Fengwei did not stop him: "Manager Xia, I have already handed over the endorsement of my brand in mainland China to your company. I hope your company will not It's good to be disappointed."

"We will definitely not let you down." Xia Nan said this, but his eyes did not have the peace he used to treat Feng Wei, but instead had a vague inquiry and hesitation, Feng Wei is such a smart person, With just one look, she understood what Xia Nan wanted to ask herself.

After the discussion on cooperation matters was over, Feng Wei opened his mouth to invite: "Manager Xia hasn't thanked you well for what happened last time, I don't know if I have the honor to invite you to dinner today."

Maybe Xia Nan didn't expect that Feng Wei would ask him out for dinner, first he gave him a surprised look, and then he readily accepted: "I know a good restaurant."

"Okay, I'll wait for you to pack up, let's go together."

"Okay, please wait a moment." Feng Wei watched Xia Nan pack up the documents, and then the two met and walked out of the building of the Xia Group, and drove to the restaurant in Xia Nan's mouth.

After telling the waiter to find a hidden place to sit down, Xia Nan spoke again: "Wind looks pretty good here."

"Call me Fengwei." Fengwei said lightly, then looked around: "It's not bad."

"Yes, my fiance and I often eat here, and he also said that this restaurant is good." When Xia Nan said this, he acted very casually, as if he mentioned it casually.

Suddenly Feng smiled, but the smile was very faint: "Let's order." Feng Wei followed the waiter's suggestion and ordered two main dishes of the restaurant today, and Xia Nan also ordered two, knowing that the waiter delivered When the food was served, neither of them spoke.

Feng Wei ate the food quietly: "It tastes really good."

"Yeah, try this dish. My fiancé likes it very much, and I think it's good too." When Xia Nan mentioned her fiancé again, Feng Wei quietly put down the chopsticks in her hand and looked at him with eyes level.

Then the arc of the corner of the mouth slowly rose, but very lightly: "Manager Xia, I don't need to say it clearly, you already know the reason why I asked you to come out, celebrities don't say dark words."

Xia Nan didn't expect Feng Wei to be so straightforward, her eyes struggled for a while, and then she said again: "You know Shangguan Ziqi, right?"

"Yes, we met seven years ago." Feng Wei replied without any concealment.

"Were you guys and girls before?" Xia Nan struggled a bit and asked the question.

This time, Feng Wei didn't answer directly, but turned her eyes to the window, as if she was thinking, and after a while, her eyes returned to Xia Nan's face again: "We haven't dated, actually you haven't. You need to worry so much, he is your fiance now, and who has no past, if you keep entangled in the past, then you will never get what you want. "

In fact, Fengwei doesn't hate this woman, even likes her, but because of that man Shangguan Ziqi, they are doomed not to be friends in this life.

At the next table, the two ate each other's food quietly. After knowing it was over, Xia Nan got up first: "My company still has something to do, so let's go first."

"Okay." Looking at the back of Xia Nan leaving, Feng Wei's face was very calm, and then she also got up and left the restaurant.

(End of this chapter)

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